Chapter 9: Tracking Emma

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A frequency of the ORCA plays while mark is going through his memories trying to figure out what sound this is until he takes off the headphones as Chen asks "any luck?" and he responds "no. whatever Emma used to create the ORCA signal, ive never heard it. How are you doing?" she speaks Manadarin as mark asks "how's that?" "Myth is our compass it's something my mom used to say she believed our stories about monsters and dragons could help us find the titans and restore our connection to nature" "wait your mother? Your second-generation Monarch?" Chen says "third it runs in the family" "that's incredible" "I don't supposed your family has any tips on slaying dragons do they?" "slaying dragons is a western concept. In the East they are sacred divine creatures who brought wisdom, strength. Even redemption" then foster walks in and says "this oxygen destroyer why wasn't Monster Zero affected?" "I mean I'm no scientist but I think it has something to do with his goddamn head growing back" "well I've never seen anything like it, it violates everything we know about the natural order" then Chen said "unless he's not part of the natural order" "what do you mean?" "I was able to piece this together" Chen said as she pulled up an ancient cave writing "well he looks vaguely familiar" "it tells of a great dragon who fell from the stars a hydra whose storm swallowed both men and gods alike" "what you mean alien?" "yes. He's not part of our natural order and he's not meant to be here" "a false king" "an invasive species. That could explain how he's creating these massive storms and the effect he's having on the other titans it's almost like he's reshaping the planet to his own liking" "these legends what do they call him?" "Ghidorah...the one who is many" "Ghi-what?" "She said 'Gonorrhea' " "huh?" "Ghidorah!" "Doctor Serizawa, we're approaching Castle Bravo but there's something you should see" they all walked to the front and saw military ships "I'm guessing you weren't expecting these guys"

Time skip

"Moscow, London, Washington, D.C, All under attack. On every continent the titans are triggering Earthquakes, wildfires, tsunamis, and disasters we don't even have names for yet. Now as before we have been trying to lure the creatures with nuclear materials, but they are not taking the bait this time. Their behavior has become random, erratic and with our forces spread desperately thin and these things roaming the globe unimpeded we are running out of options and time. Excuse me do you have something to add?" Chen replied with "Yeah. Your wrong. Their behavior is not random or erratic" then mark came up "if I may, sir. As amazing as this sounds, they're moving like a pack. They're hunting. All packs from wolves to killer whales, they all respond directly to an alpha. And this Ghidorah is the new alpha. And all-all the other creatures are just doing his bidding t-they're an extension of him. We stop him, we stop them all" "is there another creature that might stand a chance against him?" "No. Ghidorah and Gojira's rivalry was ancient and unique" "Right, so we killed our best shot at beating this thing?"

Scene switch

Emma is talking to Jonah while walking and says "Jonah you don't get it this changes everything. With Godzilla gone, Monter Zero isn't using the Titans to restore the planet. He's using them to destroy it. This isn't coexistence this is extinction" "listen, while you were sitting comfortably in some laboratory we've been fighting for decades in one dirty war after another. I've seen human nature firsthand and I'm here to tell you that it doesn't get any better. It just get's worse. So, I'm sorry that Monster Zero isn't exactly what we were expecting. But we opened Pandora's Box and there's no closing it now" "maybe there is" "oh don't be stupid. You broadcast again and you will expose us all" "these creatures communicate like whales okay? They can hear sonar for thousands of miles, so let's send a team. Let's broadcast the ORCA from Fenway. It's just a few miles from here. I could use the stadium to amplify a signal that might stop these attacks. The city's already being evacuated, so it'll be safe" "and then what?" "and then I'll figure out what the hell Monster Zero really is and try to stop it" "before Monarch finds us? I'm sure all your friends will be very happy to see you again" "we can't just sit here. Alright? This isn't the world that we wanted" "I seem to remember you telling me the world always belonged to them. Well maybe it is time we gave it back" Meanwhile Madison heard it all and formed a plan to get the ORCA broadcasting....the final battle has almost begun...

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