It Was Something

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Before bed time, your brain needed to wind down. There was so much to look forward to, but were you really looking forward to it? Maybe just anticipating.

Anyway, a few pacing circles later, you were getting settled into bed. It was a music sort of night so you found something soft and shut your eyes.

The beauty sleep was much needed, makeover and all.

You woke to four smiling faces. The idea was sweet, but the execution almost cost you a felony charge. "Ah?! Geez, you scared me!" They all laughed. You take in your surroundings. "Breakfast in bed? Aw, you guys.." Kuroo pats your hair and props up your lap table for you. "We just wanted you to have a good start for today, since we won't be there tomorrow.. besides Bo." The quiet said a lot. "Ahem, which we actually have to be there at 5 now," Bokuto says, clearing the awkward. You became visibly worried.

Akaashi's slender, yet soft hand interlocked with yours as he brought it to his lips to kiss. "It's gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay. You won't be alone. You have Kota- Bokuto." Kenma knew that wasn't the most comforting detail, so he saved face. "And Hinata, and Atsumu, and Sakusa!" You smile. "Right! Saku is gonna be there. That makes me feel a bit better." The light in Bokuto's eyes dimmed a little, but he gave Akaashi a grateful look. At least he'd tried.

The five of you chat while you eat. Soon, you split to go to work. There was nothing out of the ordinary. The situation with Bokuto was still awkward. It made his heart ache, and you weren't impartial towards him either.

The end of the work day came and it was about four, which left only an hour to get to the hotel. You'd hoped you could see Kenma and Akaashi before, but there wasn't time.

"Us dancers have a tradition of taking a group photo before a big competition," your boss starts. "Everyone! Get together for our very first game together!"

All the dancers and players start huddling together.

"Managers too!"

Kuroo and a few other men and women join in.

You find yourself between Kuroo and Bokuto.

"Squeeze in! There are a lot of us!"

They get closer and you feel Bokuto's hand on the small of your back. It wasn't a lot, but it was something. You look up at him and he was smiling, but his teeth weren't showing. He looks down at you and you smile, then turn your head to the camera and put your arm around his waist. "Smile, Bokuto. Like you always do. This is special for us."

It wasn't a lot, but it was something to him.

Kuroo smiled wide, thinking about how he could sense things would be normal again soon.

After the photo, it was time to get going. You pout as Kuroo grabbed his things. He chuckles. "I'll see you tomorrow. With Kenma and Akaashi." You sigh. "Bye, Ku." He smiles and kisses your forehead. "Bye, I love you." He turned his back and walked off, but you stood there frozen for a second.

You weren't big on the L word, mostly because you hadn't heard it a lot growing up. Typically, it was your grandmother saying it when you left after visiting, or your dad saying it every now and then.

Bokuto was waiting on you. "Ready? I wanted to get some food if that's cool." Right, you had to be alone with him for a little while now. "Um, yeah. That's cool. I could eat."

Crickets. Not a single word the entire drive to get food. Once you got there, all that was said was "Did they get it right?" from Bokuto, to which you only nodded and continued your silence all the way to the hotel.

Finally, you would part ways at the hotel when you got your separate rooms. Or so you thought. "No, Bokuto. It's okay. I got it." Bokuto was taking your bag from your hand. "It's just two bags, let me help." You push back. "Exactly, I can carry two bags on my own." He stood with a firm grip on your bags, staring at you until you gave in. You tug on them but knew he wasn't letting go. "Fine. I guess it's not too bad since we're in the same hall." He smiled behind your back as you led the way.

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