Fan or Friend?

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Bokuto didn't even seem angry when he looked at you. He just seemed hurt.

"Bokuto.. I- I'm sorry.." you say, reaching for him. He backs up. "When we met, you said you didn't know me. You lied?" You deny it. "No. No. Of course I didn't lie!" He crosses his arms. "See you're doing it right now! Your mom expected you to tell her about me, so you had to have known!" You shake your head. "Okay yes! I knew who you were but I didn't at first!" He furrows his eyebrows and gets louder. "What does that even mean?!" You push your hair back, struggling to use your words correctly. "It means that yes, I knew you were a famous volleyball player that pretty much all of my family adores. But when I saw you, no I did not recognize you! I swear I didn't Bokuto! In fact, before I met you, and even still now, I didn't understand a single thing about volleyball!"

He thinks for a second. "Well you had to have realized at some point." You sigh. "I did. But it wasn't until I was telling my Dad about you guys a few days before the attack at my apartment. That's when I realized."

He still seemed really upset. "Okay well if you realized then why didn't you tell me? Why keep it from me?" You frown. "Because..."

He starts shaking his head. You reach for him again but he pushes your arms away. "No. No, Y/n.. No." You didn't like that he was upset with you. "Bokuto.." you say, almost as if his name was a plea. He heads off towards the stairs. "No. You lied to me." You'd never heard him sound so serious. You chase him all the way up the stairs, leaving the other three to watch from below. "Bokuto, wait!"

He stops and turns to you. "What, Y/n? Are you gonna tell me why you would keep it from me?" You were silent for a moment. "If not, I don't want to talk to you right now." he continues.

You grab his hand and this time he doesn't stop you. "Bokuto I just didn't want to lose you. Or them." you admit, gesturing to all four. He takes his hand from you only to wave it around. "What does that mean? You're not making sense!" he shouts.

You try to explain without shutting down. "I didn't want you to have to be bothered thinking that I'm your fan instead of your friend! Because I am your friend. And I figured if you found out that it clicked in my head who you were then you would leave to avoid me using you. Which I swear on everything I love that I would never do. But if you were to leave then I assume those three downstairs would too."

Bokuto stares at you for a second, taking in all you just said. He groans and runs his hands through his hair, walking down the hall away from you. You follow him, and after exchanging looks, so do the other three. "Bokuto, please!" you call out. He stops again as he reaches his room.

"You've become one of my closest friends. What makes you think I would just abandon you? Do you think I'm that kind of guy?" Before you could say anything he continued. "You could've told me when we were at dinner!" he says, slapping his hand against the doorframe. He was getting louder. "We could've laughed it off! You wouldn't have lost any of us!" he yells. You were finding it harder to respond and got quieter. "I d-didn't know that for sure, Bokuto.. Before you and the g-guys I h-had no friends.."

He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "What does that matter? We'd been friends for a while before that. You knew how we were by then." You look at the floor. "I didn't want to risk it."

He shakes his head. "I don't care Y/n. I don't. Because like I just said, you knew how we were by then. I would've been fine with it. And even if you weren't sure, you could've talked to me. It's me. You know I care about your feelings. Have I not shown you that?" You were silent.

"Look at me please."

..he says. You raise your head. "Haven't I?" he asks again. You nod slowly, trying not to cry. "Exactly. So, I wouldn't have accused you of anything! Because, like I said we knew each other fairly well by then. We had a certain level of trust built. Or I thought we did." You object. "W-We did."

He was still upset. "Then why didn't you say anything, Y/n?! What did you honestly think was going to happen? I wouldn't have been upset. At all! Because no matter how much you knew of me, you had not let it affect our friendship. So there was really no—" He moves his hand to make a hand gesture but then cuts himself off when he sees how hard you flinch. He goes silent.

You immediately cover your mouth. "Oh my God. I'm so sorry!" He frowns and backs up out of the doorway. "Bokuto—" He slams the door in your face. Your body visibly deflates.

But then, he opens the door again a second later. "I'm sorry for slamming the door in your face." You nod. "It's okay! Bokuto I'm just—" He interrupts. "Wait. While I am sorry for getting aggressive, I'm still upset with you. I'm not mad or angry. I'm just upset that you didn't tell me. It makes my trust for you waver." You were about to say something but he keeps going. "I don't want to talk to you right now. Just.. give me some space, alright?"

You knew your hands were tied. "Whatever you want, Bo.." He nods. "Thanks." He closes the door a lot softer than before.

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