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Your sad eyes stay stuck on Bokuto's door until a hand touches your shoulder. "Are you okay?" Akaashi asks. You take a deep breath and turn to him. "I did it to myself." He and the other two watch you turn and head for your own room.

Shutting the door, you fling your arms and stomp your feet in a fit of utter frustration with yourself. When you were finished, you crawl under your covers, snuggle into your pillows, and click on the TV for a distraction. Only ten minutes later, you were fast asleep. After two hours, you wake up. But you didn't get up yet. Instead, you stared at your ceiling and pondered for a while.

There was then a knock at your door. "Come in." you croak, your voice still raspy from your slumber. It was Kuroo. He slowly opens the door until you could see each other. "Hey~" he greets, coming in. You wave at him and yawn. "Hi." He rubs his neck. "Sorry, were you asleep?" You shuffle over to make space for him on the bed and gesture for him to sit. "It's okay. I just woke up."

He seemed relieved and accepted your offer, laying propped up on his side. "Oh alright. So.." You wait. "What's up?" He had wanted to make sure you were alright. "How are you? Y'know, since earlier?" You sigh. "I feel bad for making Bo upset. But what's even worse is that he probably thinks I'm afraid of him now." Kuroo shakes his head. "Don't worry. Akaashi talked to him. He knows it's not him you're afraid of. But you don't need to be afraid anymore anyway, okay?" You nod silently, shifting your gaze downward.

Without warning, Kuroo tries to tilt your head upward to make eye contact. It made you jump and rip his hand off of you. You realize and regret it immediately. "Oh my God! I'm so sorry!" you fret, covering your face. Kuroo watches you and gently tugs on your wrists until you moved your hands. "Hey, it's okay. It's okay." he promises.

He raises his hand to stroke your hair. This time he went slow so you wouldn't flinch. "We're here for you. All of us. Bokuto too, even though he might still be upset. Remember that, okay?" You settle under his touch and shut your eyes. "Okay.." It was quiet.

He didn't know what came over him, but Kuroo leans in to kiss your forehead. When he pulled back, your eyes match his. "I'm sorry. I don't know where that came from. I just wanted to make you feel better." You could feel your heart beating faster.

"No, it's okay. That was actually... really comforting."

He smiles at you. "Oh? Then I guess you should expect more of those." You nod at him. "Sure."

He sits up. "But seriously. You don't need to fear him anymore. I mean you should've seen Akaashi. He hit him over the head like BOW!" You laugh a little at his dramatics. He gets up and mimicks Akaashi. "He raised his arms just like this and then swung. And then BOW! That sucker was totally done for!" You start laughing harder. He grins at you. "I'm glad I could make you laugh." You smile back at him. "Thanks. I needed that." He nods. "Anytime! But I also came to grab you for dinner so.." You get out of bed. "Ooo okay, let's go."

When you and Kuroo get downstairs, you see that the others were already sitting and ready to eat. "Oops. Sorry we kept you waiting. Ku was being funny." you say, sitting down. Bokuto doesn't even look at you. "You seem to be sorry a lot, huh?" he mutters. It made you sad, but you knew he'd still be upset.

Akaashi was about to say something but you shake your head at him and silently start eating. Dinner was quiet and you tried not to be a bother to Bokuto. After, you volunteered to do the dishes. While you washed some, Bokuto drops his plate over your hand. Trying to move quickly and make room for it, you make your nail bend the wrong way and snap off. In the same instance, the water splashes up into your eye. "Ow Ow Ow!" you squeal, scrambling to find a dry towel with only one eye.

Bokuto whips back around to see what happened. Akaashi hurries in and sees your bleeding finger while you were trying to soothe your irritated eye. He grabs your hand and runs it under cold water. "Kenma get a bandaid!" he yells. He looks back at you. "Is your eye okay?" You put down the towel and try to open both eyes, blinking a lot. "It's okay. Just some dirty dish water." you assure him. Kenma brought the whole first aid kit. You laugh. "Guys it isn't that bad." Akaashi turns off the water and you could see that it was worse than you realized. "Oh maybe it is that bad." Kuroo comes on your other side. "What even happened?"

While Akaashi cleaned your finger and bandaged it, you explain. "I was trying to move out of Bokuto's way but my nail bent the wrong way when I moved and water got in my eye." Kuroo scolds you. "You have to be careful." You nod. "I know, I know."

Bokuto finally says something. "It's my fault. I was rushing to throw it in the sink. I'm sorry." You turn your head to look at him. "Oh. It's okay. I know you didn't mean to." He doesn't say anything else and heads to his room. You still could still feel the tension.

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