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Atsumu tries to jog Kenma's memory. "A minute ago? When he was just whispering in her ear?" Kenma still didn't follow. "His arm was around her? And their faces were pretty close?" It didn't ring any bells.

Kenma looks at Kuroo. "I didn't see them..." Kuroo tries to explain. "She was quieter than normal so I was just making sure she was okay! I don't see what the big deal is?!" Atsumu shrugs. "Well I mean you were blushing and you could've kissed her if you wanted.." Kuroo makes wide eyes at him. "Dude! Kenma it's not like that." he says, reaching over to grab his arm. Ken moves away. "You don't owe me any type of explanation, Kuroo." Tetsuro sighs. "But I—"

Kenma interrupts, seeing you return. "Hey Y/n. Everything go okay?" You nod as you answer him but analyze the looks you were getting. "Uh.. yeah.. but why are you all looking at me that way? What'd I miss?" Kenma shrugs. "I'm not sure, Y/n. Really just have not the slightest clue. But Kuroo—" He looks over at him. "Maybe Kuroo could help you out with that?"

In no way was Kenma upset with you. He'd always had a 'small' problem with Kuroo and girls.

Tetsuro bounces his leg. "Kenma! A word?" Kenma shakes his head. "Nah. I think I'll stay with Y/n." He looks at you. "Y/n. Why don't you sit with me? Or would you rather sit there and have Kuroo invade your space?" You didn't know how to respond. "I- uh- I don't-" Tetsuro gets up and grabs Ken's arm, losing patience. "Kenma. Outside. Now. It's not a question." He drags him outside, bickering on the way.

"So should I sit here.. or?" you question, not sure where to go. They all just murmur to sit in your previous seat. They seemed urgent so you hurried. "Are they okay? What's with this weird tension?" Akaashi nods. "They're fine. Don't worry. Here, have a cookie." You take it from him and eat it, feeling like the baby of the family that doesn't know about the family drama. You're soon distracted from that previous situation when Bokuto and the other boys start chatting again. Something about an upcoming game.


"Kenma don't do this." "Don't do what?" "You know what you're doing Kenma." "No I don't."

Kuroo sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "You do. We both know you do." He pulls him closer. "Listen Kenma.." Both boys blush. "I know we have an unspoken thing between us... And I know you don't exactly like it when I'm with girls.." Kenma looks away but Kuroo cups his face to make him look back. "But Y/n is our friend. And she's going through a lot right now. I just want to be here for her." Kenma sighs. "I know.. I'm sorry. I shouldn't even be acting like this when we aren't together yet." Kuroo rubs his thumb against Kenma's cheek. "It's okay. I know how you feel about these things. But you know how I feel about you, right?" Kenma nods his head. "Yeah.." Kuroo smiles a little. "Good. So you know that no one, guy or girl, would ever replace you."

Their blushes deepen as they lock lips and share a sweet kiss, lasting a few seconds. Kuroo held Kenma's face and waist as Ken held his shirt. After, they head back inside.

You peep them but thought it'd be best not to say anything. "Sorry if I confused you, Y/n. Kuroo was teasing me before you came back." Kenma tells you. You nod, believing him. "Oh! Okay haha! You know how he is, don't let this rooster get to you!"

Bokuto touches your shoulder. "Uh.. maybe you shouldn't talk so loudly.. or too much. I know that's probably rich coming from me but—" Your eyes soften at him. "But you don't want me to hurt myself more." He scratches his head. "I told you already?" You laugh a little. "Yeah. Ya did. But you're right. Starting now, I'll be quieter." He smiles. "Okay!" Kenma holds out his drink to you. "Hey, do you want this? It's a milkshake. I don't want it anymore." You smile, nod, and take it from him to drink.

Soon, their guests leave and you're left with Ken, Bo, Akaashi, and Kuroo.

"Y/n are you sure you're okay with the couch?" Akaashi asks. You nod. "Mhm. Ken and Kuroo will be out here too. I'll be okay." He sighs. "If you're sure." You smile and give a thumbs up. "Mhm! Thanks for taking care of me. All of you. It means a lot to me." They return your smile.

For the next week, they took care of you. They took you to the police station and to school whenever you needed, but luckily you got time off work. Some days, you were alone while they went to their jobs or to school, and Kuroo and Kenma went back to their apartment, but they would still come to check on you at least once a day.

A couple days after you could walk again, the boys took you back to your apartment to get most of your things and bring them to your parents house.

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