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Across the room were looks of horror.

He had a gun.

Your eyes widen as you gasp for breath, choking. "I- I can't- brea—" You were panicking.

"Y/n, hey, It's gonna be oka—" Kenma tries to say before Ichiro got more aggressive. "Don't talk to her! She's mine!" he yells, tightening his hold on you and pointing the gun at the boys. Kuroo didn't hesitate to step in front of Kenma.

Ichiro puts the gun back to your head. "I can't believe you lied to me like this..." He drags his weapon across your face and tucks the barrel under your throat. "It was meant to be you and me.. But you hurt me again.. How could you?" His arm moves so you could breathe better but you were now held tightly around your waist. Your whole body shook.

"I- I'm sorry.."

He digs his nails into your side. "Don't! Lie to me! Just don't! I'm tired of it!" He taps the gun to the side of your head a couple of times as he yelled and shook you. You were pretty much sobbing. He was totally terrifying. "Please Ichiro! Please stop! I'm begging you!" you plead.

He starts rocking side to side while he held you. "Enough.. Enough.. You're still mine. I'll just train you to be good. Yeah.. that's it. Then we can be happy. And get married.. Have babies.. Die together..." He rests his head on your shoulder as he fantasizes. He shuts his eyes for a second but they snap back open the second he hears some movement.

Bokuto had moved forward to try and grab you while Ichiro was distracted. But Ichiro was on high alert and stepped back. In one swift move, he grabs your throat again and cocks the gun, this time putting it in your mouth. "Another move and I'll kill her. Right here. Right now. Because if I can't have her, no one will."

You honestly had very little faith that you'd make it out alive. All you could do was cry and shake and choke. Bokuto puts his hands up. "Okay. Okay. Just please don't hurt her. Please." Ichiro takes the gun from your mouth and replaces his arm around your waist. "And it looks like we'll have to get rid of these three.. and that other one too. But it's okay.. Anything to keep you.."

He inhaled deeply, just to smell you, and stroked your cheek with his weapon as he hummed. He was a delusional psycho and his voice would probably haunt you in your sleep. You could only stand there to play the role of his doll. He tucked your hair to the side and looked over to the boys and the police.

"She's mine.."

He fires his weapon toward the ceiling, just to cause reaction while he started backing out of the room. He was moving faster than your feet could follow and ended up just dragging you.


The boys all yell after you. You were being choked even tighter now and could feel that the little clothing you had was slipping off again. You cried as your throat stung.

Ichiro gets the door opened and drags you out of the room, down the hall. You kicked and tried to scream and grab on to anything. Ichiro hit you in the head once with the gun to make you stop but you end up passing out.

The police kept their weapons drawn and instructed the boys to stay back. But they couldn't do that anymore. Bokuto moved, which forced the police to follow. Ichiro's shaking hand aimed for him but he only cared about getting to you.

Before anyone could do anything, there's a big bang. Akaashi found an opening and hit Ichiro over the head with a big glass bottle he'd found, managing to avoid hitting you.

You're freed from Ichiro's grasp and immediately fall forwards into Bokuto's arms. He cradles you tightly, shaking you a little to make you wake up. Ichiro was out cold and the police lowered their weapons to detain him.

Akaashi stood there wide eyed, staring at what he'd done. Kuroo grabs him. "Are you okay?! Akaashi?!" It took him a second to respond but he started to nod. "I-I'm fine.. Is- Is she? Was I too late?! Is she okay?!" he worries. The boys crowd you. Kuroo takes off his jacket and covers you with it. Kenma puts his head to your chest. "I think she's at least still breathing." He touches your forehead. "But she's still bleeding from her head." One of the female officers come over to take a look. "It seems like it's nothing too bad. We'll get emergency services over."

Bokuto keeps rocking you in his arms. "Please be okay.. Please be okay.." He sniffles and holds you tighter. "You did so good.. We got him.." he mutters. Akaashi was cursing himself. "I wasn't fast enough.." he whispers, a single tear rolling down his cheek. Kenma looks at him. "No.. Don't say that. You saved her, Akaashi. You saved her." Kuroo nods. "Yeah he did. Now she's safe with us again. She's gonna be fine. Don't beat yourself up over it." It was silent for a minute while the all watched over you.

"Is he.. dead?" they all hear Bokuto ask. All of you look over. The police were checking for a pulse. "He has a pulse.. But he needs to get to the hospital. His head is bleeding even more than hers." One of the other officers grabs Akaashi's wrist and puts it behind his back. "Keiji Akaashi. You are under arrest for interference with a police investigation as well as the assault of Dai Ichiro." Someone else starts arresting Bokuto, making you be put into Kuroo's arms. "Bokuto Kotaro. You are also under arrest for your interference with a police investigation."

Everything moved faster than anyone's processing speed. In two seconds, each boy had one handcuff on his wrist.

"Wait- What are you doing?! Why are they the ones being arrested?!" Kenma questions in objection. "Kenma, they have to. Trying to stop them might cause trouble. It's better to let them go. We'll figure it out." Kuroo warns him. He hesitated, but decided to listen to Kuroo and focus on you instead.

"Take care of her guys!" Bokuto yells as they're taken away.

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