Family Vacation

612 30 11

CW: Belittling

Sooner or later, you all arrive at the hotel. It was a large gated community, and from a distance you could see things like fancy pools, tiki bars, and tennis courts. But, before you could get into any of that, you guys had to check in.

You and Akaashi stood at the desk together talking to the receptionist to get things situated. The other three looked at the fish tanks and decor. There was a man waiting behind you and Keiji, and he started getting impatient despite that fact that it'd only been a couple minutes. He barges to get in front of the desk, bumping into your shoulder. "Apologies, princess." he says nonchalantly. "Listen, miss.. me and my family..."

He knocked you off balance a bit but Akaashi's hand was there on your waist to keep you stable. "Hey, man, would you j—"

The man ignores him and keeps talking to the receptionist. "We need to checked in. Now. We don't have time to wait around for these kids." You look at him sideways. "Excuse me?" Akaashi had the same expression on his face. "We're grown adults, alright? It's only been a couple minutes, we're almost done." The man rolls his eyes. "You just hold onto your girlfriend and-" This time, he's cut off by the receptionist. "Sir, if you look just to your left, there's an available receptionist who could've already been helping you. You just had to look." She was technically being polite, but she had a tiny pinch of condescension in her tone. The man looks at her,  then you two and slowly turns to walk away.

The other three came to see what the hold up was. "Did something happen?" Kenma asks. You were a bit lost in action. Akaashi's hand had tightened a little on your side. He was feeling protective. That man was a bigger build and a bit rough looking, like a protective dad who's daughter was about to get married to a man he didn't like. "Just some confused guy.." he mutters, turning his attention back to the receptionist. She makes light conversation. "He was being so rude to such a lovely couple!" Your face becomes warmer as you blush. Akaashi stutters a response, just as flustered, "O-Oh.. We're just friends.. hah.." She tilts her head a little. "Just friends?" She wiggles her finger at where Akaashi was holding. He lets go quickly and laces his fingers together. "He- He knocked her over. I just didn't want her to fall.." He looks away, seeming to be avoiding looking at you and Bokuto. You rest your head in one of your hands in an attempt to hide your blush and move on. "So about those wrist bands? They unlock the rooms?" The receptionist reads the room and helps you all finish checking in.

The house you were staying in was beautiful. If you would've had to stay there the entire vacation without leaving, you wouldn't complain. You walk around the house and end up splitting off with Akaashi again. You were cheering in amazement as you looked around in the bathroom. "There's a hot tub! Akaa look there's—" You turned to look at him and he was a lot closer than you realized.

His cheeks were flushed pink and he looked at his hands like he was struggling to say something. "Um.. Y/n.." You became worried. "Yeah? Is something wrong?" He looks in another direction, yet still not at you. "No no.. Um. Well not if you don't think so.. I just wanted to apologize." You look at him puzzled and laugh a little. "Why would you be apologizing? Is there something I don't know about?" He still wasn't looking at you, so you lean to the side until you were in his line of vision. "Akaaa? What's up?" He sighs. "Back at check-in. I didn't mean to deny us being a couple so quickly. You're not like repulsive or anything, ofcourse. I mean you're more than not repulsive- you're really gorgeous, like insanely- Not to sound creepy! I just- I'm sorry." He sighs in embarrassment. You had had your hands set on your hips as you listened to him ramble. You start giggling. "Aww, you thought you hurt my feelings? It's okay, I wasn't offended." He watches you as you start for the door. But you pause and look at him from over your shoulder. Your hair messily draped down behind you and the cheekiest smirk took on your lips. "I think you're insanely gorgeous too," you tease with a laugh and continue on your way out to find the other guys. Akaashi lagged behind a bit, taking in the embarrassment as he stared at himself in the mirror. •God..•

When She Meets 4Kजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें