'Are you the leader? Last time I checked it was my brother, you stupid... ugh!' Temp glares at the wall, holding in her anger. Copper doesn't reply waltzing out of the gym as Ivory slaps Ace who still had a hand in front of her.

Ace glares, "This isn't my fault Ivory, if anything it's Lukas's."

"Stop blaming him! You didn't do anything to help! I sat for 3 hours actually listening to him! I'm not even his partner!" Ivory shouts.

"Maybe just maybe you should let his partner take care of it," Ace replys.

"She does nothing she only cares about herself!" Ivory shouts, crossing her arms and turning away from him.

"Can you enlighten me on how in the fuck we're suppose to help him if you locked us out of the dorm! Ever think of that! Maybe if you got your head out of everyone's business, and Stopped playing favorites- Maybe we would've helped!"

Temp gets so pissed she punches the wall, her hand actually going through the cement. She glares at Ace then the hole in the wall signing, 'Be lucky that wasn't your face.'

Ace shrugs not caring. Walking away towards some weights in the gym.

Temperence walks up to Lukas, 'You really made them mad.'

'I didn't do anything, it's their actions added to mine, they don't listen.' Lukas signs before punching the punching bag off of it's hinges hitting Ace.

'I should probably fix that hole... bye.' Temp signs quickly, hugging Lukas and then Ivory, secretly shipping it.

"She just hugged you Ivory...wow." Evan mutters.

Ivory looks confused. "Uh, I-I guess it's an honor."

"It is an honor." Aiden and Evan both say at the same time then glaring at each other. Ivory hugs Temperance before assisting her in the wall fixing.

Temp smiles, writing 'I ship it' on a piece of paper handing it to Ivory, knowing she isn't the best at sign language. Ivory chuckles, and then writes on the paper. Handing it back it says "I need to try learning sign language if you're always going to be around." Ivory gets up and walk towards Lukas.

Terempce smiles as Ivory walks away.

Aiden walks over to Temp, "You okay?" He asks as she nods. "Okay, that's good." He says as she smiles at him.Then the smashing of metal is heard across the gym.

Lukas holds Ace's fist. "Listen for a minute."

"What am I listening for," Ace says trying to free his fist. Temperence slowly walks over to see what is happening.

"I'm saying you better treat her right you fucking player." Lukas says sternly.

"Oh I'm the player?" Ace mocks, "You have Ivory wrapped around your fingers, don't say I lead to you and Copper not wanting to be partners. You can't make up your mind can you." Temp quietly stands next to Ivory.

"I don't care if I'm indecisive, I'm saying go find where she is!" Lukas snaps.

"Lukas, Copper is a big girl she can handle herself." Ivory says quietly.

Lukas gives Ivory a look of concern. "Ace, now." At this time Ace instead of freeing his hand smashes Lukas onto the closest floor mat and bolts away.

Temperence walks over to her brother, allowing Ivory to offer him help up. Ivory helps him up, "Lukas you need to let those savages vent."

Lukas goes back to what he was doing, trying to ignore everyone else.Temperence finds her brother again, poking him

Lukas signs 'Yes Temperance?'

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