4+1 times with a pregnant suna

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Synopsis: 4 times Kaya takes care of his wife without knowing she's pregnant and 1 time he takes care of her knowing she is.

A/N: all moments are multiple days apart from each other. and, idk if Suna already knows how to drive a car and has a license, so let's just pretend she does in this fic. also, i love SBA and the cravings scene (#4) is inspired by my loves AsFer 🥹



Suna was sitting beside her husband as she waited for news about her father. She was leaning against Kaya, tired from the stress of tonight. Her hand was in Kaya's lap as he held onto it. His other hand was caressing her back. Whether that was for her benefit or his, she didn't know but she didn't particularly mind Kaya's hand on her. He seemed to always be touching her in one way or another and it somehow kept her grounded even in the most difficult times.

She sighed feeling discomfort in her chest as her mind strayed to her father who was in surgery. Feeling uncomfortable in her spot on the hospital sofa, she unconsciously pressed her palm into Kaya's leg as she pushed herself up from the sofa. She felt her husband's hand slide down from her back as she walked away from him and the rest of their family members.

As she walked to another corner of the room, away from the sad and pitiful expressions of her family, she felt her gait wobble and her head throb. Before she knew it, the room spun around her and her vision became blurry. She clutched her forehead in her palm and stuck her hand out, thinking she'd be able to use a wall to steady herself. However, instead of a wall, she found herself surrounded by her husband's cologne and in his arms as she caught herself from falling.

"Suna, are you okay?" her husband asked. His arms came around her as she pressed herself against him. Her head rested against his chest as she willed her dizziness to disappear.

She didn't respond to him for a while while she rested in his arms. When she finally got ahold of herself, she stepped back and said, "I'm fine. Just got a little dizzy for a moment."

"Do you want to sit down?" Kaya asked worriedly.

Suna shook her head, tired of sitting in one place for the last few hours. "I'm alright. I'm better now," she said, smiling slightly as she looked up at him.


Suna turned her nose as the smell of dinner wafted through the dining room. Her stomach felt uneasy as the food was set in front of her on the table. The kofta sat a few inches from her plate, as if it was mocking her with its unappealing odor. It's not like she usually disliked kofta, though it wasn't her favorite, but she couldn't recall ever having such a strong emotion against the dish.

As the bowl of kofta continue to sit in front of her, Suna pressed herself further into the back of her chair. She placed her hand in front of her mouth, discretely trying to cover her nose and block the smell. If she'd stayed at that table for anymore than five minutes, she was sure she'd vomit at the horrible scent.

Her gaze turned to Kaya who was whispering to his mother, who sat beside him. Could he move the bowl of food so it out of her line of sight? She couldn't behave so immaturely in front of him, but surely he'd understand if she was feeling uncomfortable.

Her stomach clenched and she held herself from jerking forward, stopping her reflex to throw up. Dinner is going to be unbearable tonight, Suna groaned internally. She thought she'd be able to brave it out but was unsuccessful when Kaya reached to place some kofta on his plate. Suna instinctively gripped his left thigh with her right hand, digging her fingers into his leg.

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