685 Dealing with the First Group

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The other disciple hadn't expected him to actually let the attack hit him so he could kill the other member of his group. As a result, when Zhi Guan whirled around and came for him, he wasn't ready yet. He did have a spiritual shield up from the time when the first two disciples fell, but against a sword, this kind of shield was almost useless. Maybe it could slow down the weapon but that was about it. He definitely wouldn't dare to try and take that attack in the same way Zhi Guan had received the spiritual attack just now.

The disciple stepped back to evade the attack but at that time, Liu Bao Ru had already dealt with the third disciple and turned toward their fight. She narrowed her eyes and her weapon thrust forward, closely followed by a spiritual attack heading the other way, cutting off the other's route to retreat.

This time, the disciple had nowhere else to run. There were two cultivators in two directions and another attack on the third side. He cursed and then followed Zhi Guan's example from earlier, taking on the spiritual attack so he would have a chance to make it out of this predicament.

Unfortunately for him, his level wasn't as high as Liu Bao Ru's, meaning that when he was hit, he didn't manage to get away from it as well as Zhi Guan had. The attack hit him squarely in the back, pushing him to the ground.

The disciple cursed again and tried to get up but the next moment, the two righteous cultivators were already behind him and their weapons struck out at once. He managed to evade the first one but the second strike still hit, making him tumble back to the ground, his body motionless.

Zhi Guan and Liu Bao Ru checked on the four disciples, making sure that they were indeed dead so as to not leave trouble for later. Then, they exchanged a glance.

"Should we get rid of the bodies?" Liu Bao Ru looked at the entrance to the underground palace not far away, her brows furrowed tightly.

Their situation wasn't good. Yes, they had managed to overwhelm this group in a matter of minutes but that was it. They couldn't leave without alarming the disciples of the demonic faction that were stationed here in the underground palace. Thus, they were forced to fight. And even though four people had been taken down, there were at least two dozen more back in the building.

Not to mention that Zhi Guan now had his first injury. And with each group that they managed to take out, they were likely to add to the count of injuries. After all, they couldn't expect not to make anyone suspicious after some time while the only reason they had been able to finish this fight so fast was because these four hadn't been paying enough attention and had been taken by surprise. With two people down and them only having to fight one-on-one, they had been evenly matched. Maybe the same would be true for the next group but, after that, she was afraid that they would have been noticed already. At that time, their fights likely wouldn't be as even in numbers.

Zhi Guan had the same understanding of their situation. It was just that he didn't think that dealing with the corpses or not would make much of a difference. They would go and deal with the second group before they could reach this place and the others were unlikely to come here.

He had been observing the situation since he came here and he was well aware that most people didn't actually leave their rooms. At most, they would go to the nearest hall to practice a little. But then, nobody was overdoing it since they expected the big plan to take off in just a few days and knew that they had to be well-rested for that.

Still, you never knew what would happen. Right now, it might seem unlikely that these bodies would give them away but he also hadn't expected Feng Bai Xiao to come here so suddenly. Thus, he'd rather be more careful than to take any chances. "Yes, let's do that."

As for how to deal with them ... He narrowed his eyes, wondering if it would do to just hide the bodies or if they should indeed get rid of them completely. "How about burning them?" He should have something in his spatial bag that could be used for that. His second junior martial brother had provided him with a lot of strange things, after all. The method might be a bit crude but it would be better than nothing.

Liu Bao Ru furrowed her brows though. "That would take a lot of time. Let's hide them in one of the rooms instead?" Since people weren't really walking around much, nobody but the patrols would be going into any of these rooms. If they picked a good spot, they should be able to get away with it.

Zhi Guan wasn't sure and raised his brows, quietly asking whether she had an idea where to take them.

Liu Bao Ru thought for a moment and then motioned back into the building. "The room where I'm staying should work. Just push under the beds. The patrols are unlikely to check there." Anyway, it was easy to hide them from view, and as long as they hadn't been dead for long, their smell wouldn't give them away. And frankly, she didn't think there was enough time for them to have to worry about that aspect.

Zhi Guan stayed quiet for a moment longer but then nodded. "Well, let's do that." Anyway, burning corpses indeed took its time. Not to mention that a big fire would create a lot of light and an almost overwhelming smell of smoke and burned skin. Plus, what about the visible traces after they were done? Looking at it that way, simply hiding the corpses for the time being would indeed be better.

And yes, inside the underground palace, the patrols might indeed be less likely to check as thoroughly compared to the outside. After all, where would they expect the spies to hide? It seemed that the most likely places would be either outside or if it was on the inside, then it should be in one of the rooms that were closer to where all the disciples were staying or maybe in the main hall. The rooms that looked like they were used as storage or as accommodation for some guards who would only go out to patrol were unlikely to be kept under close watch. So really, they might actually get lucky.

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