608 Practice Makes Perfect ... Maybe

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Luo Lin put on a pensive expression. What Shen Lei said made sense. If this was the case though ... "That means we have to get rid of distracting thoughts and focus on where we want to go. That sure won't be easy after going wrong so often. That experience kind of makes me expect to at least overshoot by a certain distance if not going in the wrong direction and appearing somewhere else entirely."

Shen Lei's brows furrowed. This was indeed a problem. Of course, after experiencing such a thing several times, you would subconsciously fear that this time might be the same. So even if you tried to focus, it was hard to do so without a single distracting thought. That was probably also why they had managed to get close just now but still ended up somewhere slightly different.

Right now, they were just practicing and should still have some time to get it right. If this problem persisted though, it might get dangerous. Just imagine if they were fighting, trying to use the dreamscape to get to a safe spot, and accidentally landed in the thick of the fight because they had subconsciously worried 'Hopefully, we're not going to end up in the worst possible place on this battlefield ... which would be over there'. It was entirely possible for that to happen from how things looked right now so they had to be extremely careful with how they proceeded.

Luo Lin watched his lover's expression. Seeing that it was not good, his own worries got worse. "Maybe we should practice more outside?"

Shen Lei wanted to nod but then hesitated. Of course, they could do that but ... "We need to be able to do this even when things are rough. While we can take our time now, we need to get to a state where no matter what happens around us, we can maneuver your dreamscape as needed at the drop of a head. So maybe it would be better to go for the big move while under some pressure."

Luo Lin hesitated but then nodded. "Alright. Then let's try to get directly in front of the tent." He pulled back a little, looked out of the small window again, and eyed the closest tent.

Mei Chao Bing hadn't told them which tent Elder Fa was in since they had expected to be taken there by the disciples on guard but it wasn't difficult to figure out: As the Elder in charge, she should be in a place from where she could oversee everything well and where she was easily reachable for disciples on either side of the camp. So, just like the courtyards of Elder Baili and Elder Xing in the small town where their Teng Yong Sect stayed, she would be in the middle of the Zhen Yan Sect's camp.

Still, while he knew this, he didn't know how her tent or even the middle of the camp looked. Thus, there was simply no way for him to go directly to her tent. Instead, they had to get to the edge of the camp first, then slowly make their way closer. Actually, this might be good practice for when they infiltrated the demonic faction's headquarters or underground palace in a while. He should really pay attention well to make sure he knew what was important to take note of.

Luo Lin had never really done this before so he could only take a really close look a the tent and its surroundings. Then, he closed the window in front of him, closed his eyes as well, and took a single step forward while trying to imagine the scene he had just observed. According to what they thought and had experienced so far when he opened another window now, they should be directly in front of the tent unless something had gone wrong.

Taking a deep breath, he reached out a finger and drew the smallest hole in the wall of his dreamscape so they were less likely to be noticed. Closing one eye and peering outside with the other, he suddenly blinked.

Huh? Why ... why did it seem as if they actually weren't there yet?

He closed both eyes again and then opened one before finally making the hole a little bigger so he could check more conveniently. When he did, his lips pursed. They were indeed not close enough. At most, they were halfway there. He hummed with some dissatisfaction, closed the window again, and repeated the progress. Maybe he had still been a little distracted just now. This time, it certainly wouldn't happen!

When Luo Lin opened a window this time ... he found out that while they had moved in the right direction and indeed gotten closer to the right tent, they still weren't right in front of it. Compared to before, the distance they had covered was even shorter.

He furrowed his brows, wondering if the dreamscape would start to move less far if you continued to travel in the same direction. In that case, he would probably need to take three steps to finally get in front of the tent.

Having thought of this, he once again closed the window, imagined the spot in front of the tent, and then took three steps to hopefully make it there. Before he opened another hole in the wall, he took a deep breath and glanced at Shen Lei to reassure himself.

His lover smiled and leaned closer, pecking the top of his head. "Don't worry. We'll get there." He couldn't see what was outside since the windows Luo Lin had opened were really too small but since his lover hadn't said anything, he figured that they should be moving in the right direction but had fallen a little short. That wasn't too bad considering their track record. At the very least, it could be counted as a hopeful sign.

Luo Lin nodded and finally opened the window. Unfortunately, while they had gotten very close this time, they had still fallen a few steps short. Also, he really couldn't think of another explanation.

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