601 A Dissimilar Couple

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The other three people stared at the heap of things on the ground.

Mei Chao Bing said nothing and simply crouched down, searching through Yun Bei Fen's resources for everything they could need. Song Mu hesitated for a moment and then crouched down as well, helping by gathering the things they couldn't use and putting them back into the spatial bag.

Da Hei ... He gave Yun Bei Fen a complicated look and then turned to Mei Chao Bing with the same expression. Love truly was blind as they said. From the first moment they met, he had been able to tell that Mei Chao Bing was strong while Yun Bei Fen truly couldn't measure up. He hadn't thought too much though. With an age gap alone, this kind of thing could be easily explained.

After following them around for a while though, he realized that their difference in strength truly wasn't the most astounding. No, what was really astounding was the major gap between the way they thought and acted. Clearly, Mei Chao Bing was a calm and collected person who did everything in a measured way. His lover though ... he didn't seem to get what was going on most of the time and just blankly followed along, acting on impulse if he had to act at all. This matter of just emptying his pockets in front of everyone was just one more instance of this behavior.

Da Hei raised his head and looked up at the sky. Ah, if they all survived this, Mei Chao Bing would probably be quite troubled by this. Wasn't he worried about that? Surely, it would be easier to find somebody who was more like him. Why take all these pains to be with somebody who couldn't measure up? This was really something he couldn't understand.

Well, no matter how he thought, it was Mei Chao Bing's own decision. Nobody had the right to get involved. If he didn't feel like being with this person for a long amount of time would fry his brains, then so be it. Meanwhile, everyone else could only lend a helping hand here and there to offset that youth's issues.

Thinking of this, Da Hei turned back and walked over to where he had left Xiao Hui. Picking up the actual little bunny, he marched back to Yun Bei Fen's side and stuffed it into his arms. "Your senior martial brother Mei will have to leave again for a while and I'll accompany him this time. Pay attention to your spirit beast yourself until we're back. Don't lose them again."

Yun Bei Fen looked at him in a daze and then nodded. Anyway, it wasn't like Xiao Hui would run away if they simply stayed in the courtyard to practice but ... well, he also knew that he might forget about him if something else happened during this time and he left. Holding onto him might be for the best.

Da Hei gave a hum when Mei Chao Bing's lover didn't make a fuss. In this regard, he felt that he hadn't chosen that badly. At the very least, the youth was also aware of his shortcomings and tended to defer to those stronger and more experienced than him to make decisions.

Mei Chao Bing quietly glanced at the exchange but didn't say anything. In fact, he was a bit worried about taking Da Hei along but Elder Baili was also in his room so it wasn't like Yun Bei Fen would be alone. Thus, he put the thought aside and focused on the task at hand.

Soon, the two of them had picked through the resources Yun Bei Fen had gathered. They got to their feet and Song Mu handed the spatial bag to Yun Bei Fen again before turning to Mei Chao Bing with a questioning look.

Mei Chao Bing looked at the pills in his hand and first gave Yun Bei Fen a reassuring smile. "Thank you, Fen'er. This is already helping us a lot." After a moment, he also reached out and rubbed his head. "We'll have to gather a bit more though and then go to test this so I'll be out for a while longer. You stay here and practice some more. Don't run around unless somebody is accompanying you."

He knew that it might not make a difference. Since his Master would probably try to use Yun Bei Fen as bait, he had to have a plan to grab him. Just one person might not be enough to stop him even if it was the Elders. And yet, he at least wanted somebody to be there. This way, they might gain more information and also cut the other side's strength down just a little more.

He knew this would likely not make much of a difference but at this point in time, every single thing they could do was tipping the scale slightly in their direction. With how everything had been under his Master's control before, that was a good thing. Even if they couldn't even the odds, they could at least heighten their chances slightly. He probably couldn't ask for more.

Yun Bei Fen had always listened to Mei Chao Bing so when his senior martial brother instructed him with a serious expression, he naturally nodded his head and promised. In fact, he thought to himself that it was best not to leave the courtyard at all.

Even if there was somebody available to accompany him, it didn't matter all that much. There was nothing important for him to do outside and he should practice more anyway. So, it was better to stay here and focus on his task until Mei Chao Bing came back. By then, he could show him how he had hopefully made some progress!

Mei Chao Bing also saw his little bunny's excited expression. He smiled to himself, put the pills away, and then leaned down to kiss the top of Yun Bei Fen's head. "Well, we'll go and talk to your Master for a moment before we leave."

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