682 Leveling Up in a Few Hours

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Mei Chao Bing couldn't say whether this was good or bad. It would have been great if somebody could stop his Master but ... that person was likely to be even more antagonistic toward the righteous sects and even if they were to attack his Master and Lei Chen, it was unlikely he'd manage to grab the crystal from them. Hoping for anything else was just wishful thinking. He had to accept that he would have to do his Master's bidding no matter what.

Even though his mind churned, trying to provide him with further ideas of how all of this could still be solved and his Master's plan could be thwarted, he had to admit to himself that none of these were actually practical. He was just deluding himself.

At the same time, he quietly continued to work, taking a break every now and then to recover from the odd feeling of that twisted energy in his veins. His Master had still glared at him at first but after the third break, he finally started to ignore him and simply focused on their surroundings.

Not that he would have needed to. Mei Chao Bing had obviously done a good job at gathering the energy of the vengeful spirits in the chasm. There wasn't a single one of them left on this side. And, of course, there was nobody else to disturb them either. This place seldom saw visitors and the only ones who may have checked up on it were the ones in the border region who were currently gearing up to fight against the people in the underground palace of the demonic faction and later their headquarters. They never would have guessed that Feng Bai Xiao had already gotten what he needed and was currently in the process of making his wishes come true.

With Lei Chen's ease at taking in spiritual energy, he soon reached the threshold between the Foundation Establishment stage and the Golden Core stage. Mei Chao Bing wanted to stop, thinking that even though he had likely reached that level before, there might be some damage he had to heal before he could take a step further. Before he could speak up, he felt the strength of the person next to him take a leap forward though.

Mei Chao Bing raised his brows and turned to look at Lei Chen. Obviously, he had just made it to the Golden Core stage with hardly any trouble. In fact, there had seemed to be no delay. The switch from one to the other was instant. Even when it came to someone who had once been at this level already, he would have expected more difficulties.

He hesitated for a moment but finally spoke up. "That ... Should I continue?" He really wasn't sure at this point. Even though he had made some guesses, he didn't know the actual identity of this Lei Chen and how he related to his Master. It seemed they were working together for some reason but ... his Master was selfish to the core. Would he really just stand aside while somebody else leveled up and patiently wait? That somehow didn't sound like him.

Lei Chen nodded though. "One more level."

One more level meant advancing to the Nascent Soul stage. Mei Chao Bing wasn't sure why Lei Chen only wanted to get to that level but maybe this had been his original level. This would mean that he could easily advance until then but would need more time to advance further. So it would make sense to stop then.

Having had a few moments to pause, Mei Chao Bing didn't feel a need for a break immediately and simply nodded. Getting back to the task at hand, he didn't even bother to glance at his Master. He was wondering about their relationship again though.

What was the connection? Lei Chen seemed to be an Elder of a demonic sect and it should be the Wu Yun Sect that his Master was also a part of. Apart from that ... his Master should have gotten some benefit from him if he was willing to work with him. Maybe Lei Chen had had some kind of insight that was necessary?

After thinking about it for a bit, this seemed to be the most likely case. Someone who could project his voice in the way Lei Chen did was likely to have deep theoretical knowledge. Maybe he was actually the one behind the scrolls he had seen before. Even though Mei Chao Bing had to admit that he didn't understand the deeper layers of his Master's plan, it was clear that the way the different types of energy related to one another had been a big part of it. And surely, his Master hadn't come up with that on his own.

His brows twitched when he thought of that. To be honest, considering his Master's current level, it wasn't impossible that he had. He shouldn't discount his achievements just because he hated him. But still, Lei Chen had to have had something for his Master to even take a second look at him, much less team up. This was especially true because of Lei Chen's currently low level and how far his Master had come by now.

Well, whatever it was, the two of them wouldn't tell him and even if he found out, he could do nothing about it. He sighed to himself and then simply continued to transmit energy to Lei Chen.

This kind of transfer of energy was especially fast the further the difference in level between the people involved. As he was already securely in the Nascent Soul stage, he had had an easy time raising the reserve of Lei Chen's spiritual energy while he was in the Foundation Establishment stage. Now that he had reached the Golden Core stage, things went slightly slower in comparison but it was still much faster than it would have been if he simply went into closed-door cultivation and cultivated on his own.

Like a Ray in My Night (Part 4)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin