Chapter 1: Bright Texas Summer Sun

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Mickey's POV:

I sigh heavily as I scribble down my signature with a blue ballpoint pen. The receptionist is already smiling when I slide the papers back to her. It's the final moment. I can officially walk out of the building. And all I'm feeling is mixed emotions. Although some of my days here were some of my worst, the outside world has never felt so daunting before.

With a final nod, I pick up my duffle bag and head out the glass door. The bright Texas summer sun is almost too bright to handle. I have to squint my eyes to make out the scene of a half-empty parking lot. Just a few feet in front of me is the guy who promised to pick me up the day I got out of rehab. He's giving me a friendly smile and walking towards me. As soon as we meet, he pulls me into a tight embrace, which I return.

"Thanks for picking me up," I mumble into his t-shirt, almost feeling guilty that he came all the way out here just for me.

"Of course," he whispers back, his chin resting on top of my head. "You know I'm always here for you."

We slowly pull apart and I look into the eyes of the guy I once almost fell in love with. Almost. But not quite.

"Thanks, Max," I give him another twitch of my lips, still uncertain about the world I was reentering.

He grins back and gives me a gentle supportive brush against my arm. "He's waiting by the car."

My gaze shifts off Max and towards his car. There's a figure standing beside the passenger door, watching us inquisitively yet also wanting to give us our privacy. We happen to catch each other's eyes, and my heart skips a beat. I knew he'd be there, but it still feels unexpected.

It's been three months since I last saw him. Three months since I passed out in the backstage bathroom of a venue. Three months since he drove me home after I got black-out drunk and mistook him for my ex. I still feel incredible shame thinking about those moments.

He gives me a little wave, but I'm unable to return the gesture. It's not that I don't want to. It's just that I'm not sure how to behave. Luckily, Max takes a step towards the car, meaning I'm not the first to approach. Well, I am since Max goes to the driver's side and I don't. But I wasn't the one who took the initiative.

"Hi," I greet simply as I finally come face to face with Alex.

"Hey," he responds with a subtle grin and takes a step back to point at the passenger door. "You sit up front."

I shake my head. "That's not necessary."

He looks like he wants to protest and offer again, but I'm already pushing past to get to the backseat. Once Max has unlocked the car, I open the door and put my bag in first before shuffling in as well. Alex doesn't put up a fight and gets in, taking the seat in front of me. It's strange having him so close. I feel like my greeting wasn't enough. The least I could have done was be less cold.

But I simply don't know how to act anymore.

Even the car ride starts off extremely quiet. The radio is off and nobody is saying anything. What is there to talk about? They can hardly ask me what my time at rehab was like. And I just don't know what there is to say. I can't eternally keep thanking them for being there. Although, it feels like it's exactly what I should be doing.

"We've already packed all of your stuff in some boxes and suitcases," Max tells me as he glances in the rearview mirror, but he can't see me.

And I'm back to vocalising my gratitude. "Thanks."

"It should all easily fit into my car," Alex adds, turning around to look at me. There is a sweet kind of compassion in his eyes. "So you don't need to worry about that."

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