Chapter VI: Duel With Desert

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TheRedeemer1995: Greetings, prospective readers, and welcome back to The Venom Inside! As per usual, the last chapter did great, and quite honestly, I haven't had this much fun writing a story in a long time! Then again, I always was a big superhero nut, particularly when it comes to Marvel characters and anything to do with Spider-Man in particular, so that kinda helps quite a bit, as does everyone's support for this project, especially considering just how long we're gonna be chipping away at this. It also helps that I'm getting super invested into My Hero Academia. But, I digress.

Additionally, LegionnaireBlaze will not be able to make it to this chapter, as they are currently dealing with a personal issue, and out of respect for their privacy, that's all I'm gonna say about that. But, with that out of the way, let's begin!

Chapter VI

Duel With Desert

Swinging through air high above the city streets, Venom made his way towards the largest hospital in all of Mustafu City, making sure to keep his guard up as he traveled in case a hero who worked the proverbial night shift decided to pick a fight. Venom knew that there was a decent chance that he would be able to access the city's medical networks at that particular hospital, and through it, he would be able to locate the body of the Trigger-Enhanced Thug as well as the evidence he would need to clear his name and tie the Hero Public Safety Commission up, for however short of time he was able to buy.

Soon, the black-clad vigilante arrived at his destination, perching himself on the perimeter wall as he surveyed the hospital entrances.

"Okay, with our shapeshifting abilities, we should be able to sneak into the hospital fairly easily... now, the devil in the details... how do we access the medical networks? Simply intimidate the medical director, perhaps?" Venom muttered to himself. "Yes... perhaps that would be the best course of action-hmm?"

Venom was pulled out of his thoughts as his early-warning danger sense kicked in. Damn, he REALLY needed to think of something cooler to call that power. Maybe Spider-Sense? His symbiote did say the ability had come from a race of man-spiders, much like the formula for his black web fluid had, among other, highly useful abilities. Sadly, the man-spiders' power to generate electricity was not among the abilities that Venom had picked up from his host from that planet, but Izuku could make do.

Back to the matter at hand, however, Venom soon realized that a sizable group of people had gathered at the side of the building. Using his camouflage abilities, Venom turned invisible and saw that these people were apparently trying to break into the side entrance of the building, and among them appeared to be two or three villains from the looks of things, and judging from the containers they had, they didn't look like they were going to do anything especially horrible like destroy the hospital. No, they looked like they were going to steal something.

'Hmm, odd,' Venom thought to himself as he leaned closer at the group. 'Why would villains want to break into a hospital looking to actually steal something? Still, the distraction caused by the chaos of the villains and their minions' little heist could prove useful for allowing us to take a look at the medical networks undisturbed. Once we have what we need from them, we can take out the villains and their flunkies, and make our escape with the data we need.'

A grin forming on his unseen face, Venom quietly joined the group of thugs just as they popped the lock on the door and began to storm inside the hospital, making a beeline for... cold storage?

'Weird,' thought Venom as he followed the thieves into the cold storage. Upon arriving, Venom soon realized that the thieves were, for some unknown reason, stealing human brains that were clearly intended for brain transplant procedures.

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