Chapter IV: Venom VS All Might: Round One

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TheRedeemer1995: Greetings, prospective readers, and welcome back to The Venom Inside! Well, I admit, I really am having a blast writing this thing, and so is LegionnaireBlaze! We cannot thank you all enough for your support, and we hope you're ready for not one, but two big brawls for Venom today!

Unfortunately, LegionnaireBlaze will not be able to make it to this chapter's author notes, as he's currently not feeling well, likely due to the after-effects of the holiday season, so I hope you'll join me in wishing him a speedy recovery. All right, let's get this show on the road!

Chapter IV

Venom Vs All Might: Round One

As Venom's roar of hatred filled the managers' office of the abandoned factory, most of the thugs grabbed what seemed to be military-grade weapons, while what seemed to be the leader of the would-be trafficking ring's muscles grew to make the man a hulking brute, but nowhere near the size of Venom.

Venom grinned. 'They aren't nearly well armed enough!' symbiote and host thought in synchronization before the black-clad monstrosity began laying waste to the thugs as they opened fire, and were swiftly disposed of. However, the leader of the thugs was proving to be a bit more durable than Venom had anticipated, something that made the black monster's grin grow.

He'd been hoping for a challenge on his big debut night. He dearly hoped the brute wouldn't disappoint.

As the vigilante and the would-be crime lord traded blows, the bulky man began to get worn down until he eventually was knocked across the room, seemingly defeated.

Venom roared in triumph as he leered down at the thug. "Did you really think you had the strength and the power to beat us?" Venom said as he got ready to apprehend the defeated thug.

"Not like this, no," the thug admitted as he forced himself up onto one knee, before he glanced at something off to the side, a large chemical flask with half of it filled. "But, with Trigger...!" he said before grabbing the flask and downing it, nearly drowning in the liquid as he did so.

"NO! Not the whole thing." Venom yelled out in horror.

Almost instantly, the brute's body began spasming as his muscles began to grow to a size that would make any professional bodybuilder green with envy, and then kept growing in all the wrong ways, transforming the man into an abomination of muscle that towered over Venom and made the black monster take a cautious, and terrified, step back. This monstrosity's flesh had reddened harshly, with one arm twice as large as it should be, and the other barely any larger than before. While his head hadn't grown at all, the face had grown gaunt, the skin fighting to remain on his face.

The hulking beast of a man roared before charging and grabbing Venom by his head and throwing him like a rag doll through the factory wall, sending him crashing through two more buildings before finally coming to a stop, becoming partially buried in a pile of bricks and mortar.

"Ow," said Venom as he pulled himself up from the ground, taking note that there seemed to be a crowd gathering, no doubt thinking there was a hero fighting a villain. Only to be proven wrong as the thing the 'boss' had become, barreled through and began pummeling him. Before long Venom grabbed the larger fist, grew to his full size, still somewhat smaller than his opponent, and punched the red... thing back through another building.

As Venom looked through the hole in the opposite wall that he had just created, he saw that the monstrous brute of a thug was approaching him, still as terrifyingly muscular as ever as the crowd around Venom began to speculate what was going on.

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