Chapter I: Knock Knock, Let The Devil In

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TheRedeemer1995: Greetings, prospective readers, and welcome to my latest creation! I recently came across the concept of having a completely and utterly Quirkless Izuku "Deku" Midoriya of My Hero Academia fame become the host of the Venom Symbiote, and as a Venom fan, I thought I'd throw my hat in the ring, just for fun. Only one teeny-tiny little problem: my knowledge of My Hero Academia is severely lacking, to the point I've only memorized like, four characters, including Deku, and I haven't read a single page of the manga or seen any of the anime, something I intend to correct as soon as possible. So, since I'm super excited about this concept, I've enlisted the aid of someone with a bit more knowledge about MHA. Wanna introduce yourself?

LegionnaireBlaze: Hi everyone!

TheRedeemer1995: Yeah, me and Legionnaire go way back as far as writing fanfics go, and they're also helping me with Age of Calamity: Tears of the Kingdom, so look forward to that. Moving on, we should probably go into detail about what we got planned for this thing. First things first, Izuku is actually quite a bit taller than in canon, more specifically he's about the right height for his age, rather than being short for his age. Also, he's not gonna be getting One for All in this fic, the Venom Symbiote is gonna be Deku's only actual "Quirk," so to speak. All Might's quirk is gonna be going to someone else in the main cast. Don't worry, it ain't going to Bakugou, God Almighty, no. We got someone else in mind for this AU's version of the ninth wielder of One for All: Ochako Uraraka.

As far as the Venom Symbiote of this AU goes, my plan for it is to have this version be an amalgamation of the three currently most popular versions of Venom, with the other Symbiotes following a similar template. My version of Venom (and by proxy, the other Symbiotes) are weak to sound and only sound ala the version of Venom from the new Spider-Man 2 video game from Insomniac.

Additionally, Venom's physical appearance will be a blend between his movie appearance and his comic book counterpart, which means yes, I can indeed confirm that Venom will eventually gain the iconic white spider symbol before long, but until he does, he'll be rocking his movie appearance on the dot, although his physical build will be closer to the comic book version of Carnage, although he will still be bigger and bulkier than a normal person, and can bulk up to his more common lumbering brute form.

Also, the Venom Symbiote's voice claim for this fic is Tony Todd, the guy who voiced him in Insomniac's Spider-Man 2.

In terms of the powers given to Izuku by becoming Venom's host, he has access to the full set of the abilities and powers of the comic book version and the Marvel's Spider-Man 2 version of Venom, including all of Spider-Man's powers, shapeshifting, and disguising himself as literally anything Izuku can imagine, even making himself practically invisible if he so desires, in addition to having the tentacle/tendril attacks used by the movie version of Venom and the attacks used by Black Suit Spider-Man/Venom/Anti-Venom Spider-Man in Insomniac's Spider-Man 2.

Now, while it might seem like I'm making the symbiotes and their hosts overpowered, I have a very good reason for this. By making the Symbiotes so powerful, All Might and the Pro Heroes will need the help of Venom in order to stop them, especially when the more villainous symbiotes like Riot or Carnage or whatever symbiote becomes bonded to a villain or criminal, are running loose.

Additionally, I do have plans for Ochako Uraraka to not only become Deku's love interest, but having her become She-Venom from time to time, and even fight Carnage at least a few times. Plus, it comes with the added benefit of Deku getting Ochako's innate Anti-Gravity Quirk thanks to Venom's host ability copy thing. Although, he's gonna need a little help to figure out how to do it properly. Also, while he does end up getting a version of One for All eventually in this series when Ochako becomes She-Venom again after getting it, it's not exactly the same Quirk. Think of what Venom ends up getting as a "venomized" version of it. We're still working out the details.

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