"I'm gonna go and talk to Piper's parents." Zayn kissed Liam on the temple and went to find his mother.

Eirene would know if they were good people, and Zayn knew he didn't need Lee's help with them if his mother is around.

"What did the personality test include?" Vincent asked and shifted on a wooden bench, trying to stay comfortable.

"Well I had a questionnaire for them to fill out, and then I asked questions to make them uncomfortable, then I showed them a picture of our sons sharing a kiss and those who screwed their face up was gone like this." Ares snapped his fingers with a grin.

"Societies are more accepting now, but I know it's still not easy for people like Zayn and Liam to be openly gay, especially in the wolf community."

"It's not easy, but it's getting bearable for them," Vincent  sighed, watching his son. "They are proud of who they are, that's what matters the most."

"Yep." Ares studied his son for a moment, smiling to himself. "He cried on Eirene  and me when he told us about being gay. He acted like it was the end of the world."

"Alya outed Liam." Vincent  thought back to how distraught his son looked. "The boys fear rejection so much because they are showing us who they really are. Parents should be proud of their child for accepting themselves, but that's obviously something our sons thought we wouldn't be. It hurt to know that Li felt scared to be himself around his parents."

"Well, with a mother like Elara, you can't really blame him."

"I know." Vincent  exhaled a deep and calming breath.

"All I ask is that she stays out of our lives, but as soon as she realises that she no longer ages like a human, I'm worried she'll come crawling back."

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that. And those grandparents will age differently too." Ares rubbed his chin with thought, but Nathan approached them before they could discuss it further.

When Zayn and Eirene found Piper's parents, her mother and father found it very hard to keep back their excitement. After introducing themselves, Zayn had a few questions to ask.

"What colour wolf is Piper?"

"Black" her mother said with a big smile and Zayn nodded.

"As you know, my Beta position is filled, which means Piper is looking to be a Delta wolf in my pack?"

"Yes," Piper's father said. "You see, our daughter has not yet been in a pack, but she is the most driven and hardworking wolf I could have ever raised. She is very involved with the pack I'm in."

"Are you the Delta of that pack?"

"No sir, l am the Beta-" Piper's father paused, looking behind Zayn. "My Alpha is sitting over there on that bench." He looked surprised to see him here.

Zayn and Eirene  turned to see Ares, Vincent, and Nathan sitting on a wooden bleacher.

"Well, thank you for your time. I hope Piper does well with the rest of her fitness. Liam has taken a shine to her" Eirene  said and pulled her son to the corner of the room while Piper's mother looked like she was about to faint.

"Zayn, I don't want to feed you ideas, but Piper's father is a part of Nathan's pack, and he is family to us now."

"Yeah, but Piper has never been in a pack before."

"Which means she will learn from the best," Eirene  smiled, squeezing his hands. "I have a good feeling about her."

Zayn turned and opened a mind-link with Louis.

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