Y/N pulls the car onto the freeway leading towards Vale. Not long after the car fell into a comfortable silence it wasn't the first time the two sat in silence together neither was really the talkative type. It sort of creeped out anyone who came to visit the Belladonna's back on Menagerie but for some reason, something was eating away at Blake. Blake looks up to find Y/N focusing on the road but he looks like he is thinking about something else.

Blake: I can tell you're thinking about something. What is it?

Y/N: Nothing really just trying to think of where we should go in Vale.

Blake: Well what ideas do you have?

Blake replied a little too quickly and desperately for her liking Y/N just stayed his emotionless self. But something was starting to show and Blake wanted to find out.

Y/N: Before anything we should find somewhere to park the car preferably off the street and away from prying eyes. Then we need to figure out what we are going to do. Do we go back home to the island or do we find something else?

Y/N finishes as the low rumbling of the engine takes his place Blake puts her hand to her chin and then thinks before pulling out her scroll.

Blake: What if we become Huntsmen? The application exam is in a couple of days and if we get in the first day is two weeks after.

Y/N: don't we need to have gone to a combat school to do that?

Blake: No the exam is only for those who didn't go to a combat school you see they do their own ones before the applications get sent in. And I have a feeling we will be some of the most qualified on the day.

Y/N: Fine if that's what you want I go where you go. but we still need to find some way to survive for the two weeks. 

Blake thinks again before she shakes her head.

Blake: I got nothing I haven't even been in Vale outside of when we came in on the ship. 

Y/N: Well I might have something. When Adam and I went to Vale he wouldn't tell me why we were there. But after a while, I figured out he was trying to recruit help from the crime families. Most laughed us out of the room-

Blake interrupts before he can finish.

Blake: You want to deal with crime lords. 

Y/N: I don't know about you Blake but I don't have a lot of money at the moment and I never said you had to do anything I can do what they need or want.

Blake: You are not going out and risking your life just for me I can protect myself.

Y/N didn't put up much of a fight as Blake looked at him almost like she was trying to stare into his brain.

Blake: So do you have an idea of who we should go looking for? 

Y/N: I have a couple. Two mafiosos one male, one female. 

Blake: Well I will follow you since you seem to have a better idea of what to do.

Y/N: Let's try the faunus one first. 

Y/N put his foot down as the car rocketed off down into the city of Vale. Not long later they pulled into the warehouse district of Vale. Y/N's car pulled up to a building and he reversed it into an alleyway between the building and another. Out stepped Y/N and Blake, she had Gambol Shroud on her back as Y/N went to the back of the car and grabbed his backpack, mace and sword leaving the rifle in the car, he adjusted his forearm shield and gun before walking up to the door that was being guarded by a cat faunus wearing a fine suit. As the two approached the guard stepped forward with a gun.

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