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"President Kim Taehyung! Why didn't you call back---" Woo-shik greeted.

Cutting through the pleasantries, Taehyung's response was swift and direct. "What is it?" The abruptness in his tone, coupled with a subtle furrow in his brow, hinted at the residual tension from the earlier turmoil at the boardroom.

"Oh, right." There was a rustling of papers. "Do you have any plans today?" His voice held a peculiar intonation, as if concealing an underlying message.

In response to Woo-shik's question, Taehyung, leaning back in his chair, couldn't help but introduce a playful note to the conversation. "So you're trying to hit on me now?" His words, accompanied by a small, wry smile, echoed through.

"If I were a girl, probably. But let's stop on that..." Woo-shik's sigh hinted at the amusement beneath his words. Meanwhile, Taehyung, sitting comfortably in his office chair, rolled his eyes in mock exasperation.

As the call continued, Woo-shik asked: "Don't you know what day is it today?"

The rhetorical question hung in the air, and Taehyung, maintaining a nonchalant demeanor, responded with a casual, "28th of May. Why?"

"I'm glad you know." Woo-shik's reply held a tinge of satisfaction, yet there was an unspoken expectation lingering in the background.

In response to the seemingly straightforward exchange, Taehyung, with a sigh, expressed a touch of impatience. "That's it? You just called for that? I'll hang up now---"

But before Taehyung could execute his threat, Woo-shik's voice, filled with urgency, erupted from the other end of the line. "No wait!" A pause, a moment of suspense, knowing that Taehyung's finger might be hovering over the end-call button. "You're truly disappointing me, Taehyung-ah! How do you miss this day?!"

Taehyung's brows furrowed as he processed Woo-shik's cryptic remarks. His meticulously organized schedule for the day didn't include any notable events or celebrations, at least as far as he was aware. "What?"

Woo-shik's exasperated sigh carried through the phone. "You neither read nor opened the file I sent you, didn't you?"

A pause settled between them as Taehyung, caught off guard, remained silent. The weight of Woo-shik's disappointment lingered in the air.

"I knew it! Why would you even ask to look onto someone else's information and profile when you're not even going to look into it? You're just wasting my effort." Woo-shik's voice was laced with frustration and disappointment. "I won't take any work from you from now on..." The proclamation, delivered with a hint of finality, left a lingering sense of consequence in its wake.

Taehyung, feeling the weight of his oversight, attempted to diffuse the tension. "Stop being dramatic, hyung. I'll go look into the files. Bye."

The casual "bye" served as a hasty attempt to conclude the conversation, to mask the underlying unease. Without a second thought, Taehyung ended the call.

Taehyung's fingers danced over the keyboard as he opened his computer, the soft hum of the machine echoing in his quiet office. His gaze fixated on the file sent by Woo-shik to his email, and with a swift click, the document unfurled on his screen. The title sprawled across the display: "All things you need to know about Kim Dahyun".

An exaggerated sigh escaped his lips as he muttered to himself, "Who would name a file this long?" The subtle shake of his head conveyed a mix of amusement and mild exasperation, a silent acknowledgment of Woo-shik's penchant for verbosity.

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