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DAHYUN's attention remained steadfast on her plate as the tendrils of discomfort wrapped around her. It was as if a magnetic force compelled her gaze downward, the clinking of cutlery against porcelain served as a background to her internal turmoil.

The weight of Taehyung's gaze bore into her which heightened her unease. Each glance in her direction seemed to fill her stomach with an inexplicable fullness. The delicate fluttering of butterflies seemed to take residence in the pit of her gut, their erratic dance mirroring the chaotic rhythm of her emotions.

Feeling the weight of Taehyung's gaze intensify, Dahyun, unable to endure the mounting awkwardness, discreetly nudged Jungkook's feet beneath the table. As her eyes met Jungkook's, a silent exchange unfolded, a choreography of glances and subtle lip movements conveying an urgent plea to escape the current scene.

Comprehending her non-verbal distress signal, Jungkook gracefully rose, seamlessly integrating his departure by excusing himself with a claim of needing the restroom. Meanwhile, Dahyun's agitation manifested in the gentle tap of her fork against the plate, a staccato rhythm marking the passage of seconds like a suspenseful drumbeat as she wait for a few moments to pass before she could excuse herself as well.

A torrent of self-doubt flooded Dahyun's mind as she mentally argue with herself. 'Is he truly staring at me, or is it a figment of my imagination?' she questioned, torn between curiosity and self-restraint. A brief inner dialogue unfolded, with one side urging her to steal a glance, prompting her to moisten her lips in preparation. However, her more-sensical-side of self pulled her back, a metaphorical slap reminding her not to indulge baseless assumptions.

'Dahyun, resist the urge to presume. He might be looking at Jennie-eonni, and you just feel like he's looking at you as you were sitting beside her,' a rational voice echoed within, attempting to anchor her thoughts amidst the sea of uncertainty.

The internal debate within Dahyun persisted. 'I won't feel at ease without confirming whom he's looking at. This is so awkward,' her internal monologue countered, wrestling with the uncertainty that hung in the air.

'Just a quick glance at him. If he's genuinely looking at me, I'll ask Jungkook for us to leave this place immediately. Otherwise, we'll stay,' she strategized, the mental choreography echoing the silent communication she had engaged with herself moments earlier.

A heavy sigh escaped her lips. The rhythmic tap of the fork ceased, leaving a lingering echo in the ambient sounds of the gathering. She mentally counted, a ritual to steady her nerves, before stealing a glance towards Taehyung.

Her movements were deliberate, a slow and cautious turn of her head, framed by a cascade of hair.
A sudden disruption pierced the air, resonating from Dahyun's forceful placement of her fork on the table. The metallic clatter echoed like an unintended exclamation, a consequence of her abrupt realization that Taehyung's gaze was indeed fixed on her.

Her heartbeat surged to a crescendo.

The room seemed to hush, the ambient chatter momentarily drowned by the clang of metal meeting wood. Dahyun's expression betrayed her, a mix of surprise and heightened anxiety etched across her features. It was as if time had momentarily suspended.

Jennie, sensing the disruption, turned her attention to Dahyun with concern etched on her face. "What's wrong?" she inquired, her words slicing through the momentary silence.

The younger sister, caught off guard by the unexpected attention, stammered in response. "Um, I... It's nothing," she mumbled, her ears turning shades of red in embarrassment.

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