Week 12: Dollar Dollar Bills, Y'all

Start from the beginning

I protested. "Oh, so we should only save people who we deem worthy, now? Come on Cora, don't be a dick." 

"What? She's right," Erica retorted, obviously not a member of Lydia's fan club.

"So what? So what if she's right about Lydia? So what if Lydia is nothing more than a girl who makes snarky comments and likes to get her nails done? Why isn't that enough to warrant our efforts to save her life?"

"We've got to help people, even those we don't agree with," Scott added, "Plus, I heard a rumor that Peter bit her, so she might have already turned."

Andri stood up. "Wait, hold up," she paused; she looked at Scott with wide eyes, "Peter, like Peter 'werewolf psycho-maniac' Hale, bit Lydia? As in, the bite?" 

"No shit, Sherlock," Cora mumbled as she rolled her eyes.

"Fuck off, Watson," Andri mumbled in response, mocking Cora's tone, "Anyway, I was just about say, uh, didn't you guys kill the guy like a couple of months ago? So, you know, he should be dead?"

"It's a little bit more complicated than that," Derek responded. 

"And I also have another question?" Andri raised her hand as if she were in class, "Um, so you told me in training last time that if you kill an alpha, you become an alpha, so how are you still an alpha if it turns out that you didn't really kill Peter? Or is it kind of like you killed them once, so it counts, even if they come back to life? I'm just seriously so confused right now."

"Honestly, I don't know. But, probably the latter. And we're not sure how Peter came back to life. It looks like he might have used Lydia for that. Again, we're not sure." Derek spoke softly, mostly because there wasn't much he knew about that situation. 

Coming back to life is hardly ever simple.


After the meeting, Andri and I curled up on the couch, watching Game of Moans. It was one of our favorite shows, other than Teen Alpha, Orange is the New Crack, and Trey's Anatomy. What can I say? We're TV junkies, and we're always looking for something new to watch or weird snack combinations to try. Our current favorite was a burrito mixed with a sandwich.

While awkwardly watching a graphic sex scene, we heard the doorbell ring. We were pretty surprised about it, seeming that we hadn't told anyone our address yet.

I walked to the door to find Malia chowing down on a burger. 

"Hey, I'm bored, let's hang out," she talked with her mouth full and didn't wait to come in until after she had asked. Some people might think that her not caring about social customs was rude, but I actually really liked it. I didn't have to worry about any of that stuff with her. 

"Yeah, cool, just come in," Andri mumbled, confused as she and Malia hadn't really officially met yet.

"Oh! Andri, this is Malia, and Malia, this is Andri. Witch, were-coyote, were-coyote, witch!" I motioned my hands hoping that it would emphasize my point and that they'd become friends. 

Although Andri and I are best friends, and we have been for a couple of years, we have completely separate tastes in people. Out of all the people we've met so far, the only people we agree on our feelings about are Scott and Stiles. We both like them. I'm hoping that she'll like Malia too. If she likes Malia, then we could both have another girl friend to hang out with. I'm totally into the idea of that. 

"Oh, wait, weren't you a coyote for like the past nine years of your life?" Andri inquired excitedly, loving the juicy gossip.

"Uh, well, yeah. Scott just switched me back a couple weeks ago."

"Dude, that's so cool, c'mon sit down with us."

"Is that a boob? On television?"

"You haven't even seen the half of it. This show is pretty much entirely nudity."

Malia snorted while she laughed. "No kidding!"


After watching an episode of Game of Moans, I saw that I had a text message from Derek.

"Loft. Now.



When Andri and I came to his loft, I saw that it was only him and Isaac. Isaac looked like he was on the verge of tears, so I went over to hug him.

"What's wrong? Are you okay? Derek, what happened?"

"Something killed my father," Isaac mumbled lowly as we broke apart from the hug.

"And he says it wasn't him. He says it was some kind of creature," Derek said.

"I don't know what I saw, it was so blurry," Isaac added, "I feel sick to my stomach."

"So," Andri started, "what does this mean?"

"Well, it means I'm officially an orphan," Isaac answered.

"It means he needs a place to stay, and that's why I called you two." Derek spoke.

"What? You own an entire building, why can't you take him?" I interrogated Derek, "We have literally only have one-thousand square feet of space, and we don't even have an extra bedroom for him. I mean, we can take him, but I'm just saying that if you have the room-"

"It's not about the room. I have enough room. I just got cleared of being a wanted fugitive, I'm not looking to take another one in. The police say that he's their main suspect, and so I can't deal with that. They're likely not going to be able to find anyone else to take the blame for the murder and so he might go down. I just need you to hide him for the time being," Derek explained.

"I'm cool with it, to be honest," Andri stated, "in fact, he's free to sleep on the bed in my room if he wants to," Andri winked at Isaac.

"Or," I offered up a solution less likely to cause havoc, "we could pick up one of those cute convertible sofas. We've been needing furniture anyway. We don't even have two beds yet."

"That's good too," Isaac agreed, probably intimidated by Andri's blunt tactics.

It looks like we'll have a new roommate within the week.

Whether that's a good thing or not, I guess we'll just have to wait and see.


Thanks guys!!! It took me so long to write this one, I just had to figure out the timeline and all that. I think I've decided that I want to go forth with the "kanima" (with a twist) storyline, and then proceed in order to the Alpha pack, and then the human sacrifices, and then the Nogitsune, and so forth. I just wanted to get all of the characters introduced (since there are SO many) before I even got started with all the Beacon Hills craziness. And don't forget to vote, COMMENT, and share!! Thanks so much!

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