Part 4 - First Blood

Start from the beginning

"Oh I see, now we're using nicknames. What should I call you: Capitol, Izzy, what about Bells." He paused for a moment, seemingly weighing his options. "Yeah I like Bells."

This is going better than I thought. 

"Bells? that's a new one," she exclaimed.

"What, you don't like it." The boy seemed to taunt her now. "I think it suits you quite nicely."

"Whatever you think Lumberjack." 

The two gave each other a quick smile and looked at each other, before Treech looked down again, taking another bite.

"Your different than I thought you were" Isabella began to say, but was stopped by the sound of glass breaking and a blood curtailing scream.

She looked over to see Brandy, the girl from District 10, holding her mentor, Arachne by her throat. Suddenly, the girl dropped to the ground, and Isabella realized that the girl had been stabbed by her own tribute. 

Isabella jumped to her feet before quickly yelling at Treech to get cover. She began to run towards her classmate. Treech ran to Lamina and quickly pulled to two behind the rock. Shots started shooting immediately into the cage. Isabella ducked. When she looked up again, she saw the body of Brandy on the floor, and Arachne in Coriolanus' hands. 

Before she even had a chance to catch her breath, she was dragged away by Peacekeepers. It all happened so fast! Surely the guards are going to take it out on the other tributes. I hope Treech and Lamina are okay!  She knew she needed to check on him as soon as possible. She hadn't had the chance to check on him after the gunshots.


When Isabella returned home that night, her parents were waiting for her. She looked at them for a short second before sitting down and beginning to take her shoes off. Nobody said a word. You could hear a pin drop it was so quiet. She could tell that her parents knew.

"Isabella?" her mom asked, "I'm so sorry, this must be so hard for you."

Truthfully Isabella didn't care at all about Arachne's death. She was just more worried about Treech's wellbeing than anything, but her mother didn't have to know that.


That night, all Isabella could do was think. She thought the worst. She wondered what would happen to the remaining tributes. She wondered what would happen to the games once news of Arachne's death spread to the rest of the Capitol. She preferred to not think like that. Instead, Isabella decided to take her mind off of the situation by thinking of something for Treech to take into the arena with him. In some stupid way, she thought it might help develop some trust for her.

She decided on her broach she had worn the day she was assigned as his mentor. It was her prized possession. Every time she wore it, something lucky happened. That is except for the day of the reaping. He better give this back when he wins she thought to herself. She smiled a little at the thought of him winning. Although it was extremely unlikely.

Another hour had passed, and she began to worry even more. Until she had an idea, what if I just went back tonight?  At this point, it was late, and the zoo would be closing soon, but she needed to see Treech. She changed into some more comfortable clothes; a tank top and loose pants,  and a warm jacket so she wouldn't freeze. She also grabbed her tote bag. It was still a little dirty from the zoo, but it would work. She grabbed the broach and threw it in the bag.

Isabella crept down the stairs and into the kitchen. She scanned the contents of the fridge. "I guess I'm gonna have to pack sandwiches again," she said to herself. Once the food had been packed, she walked into the living room. Her father was still up.

Isabella (Treech)Where stories live. Discover now