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Perhaps tragedy was destined to be a part of my life before birth. Death always seemed to be the inevitable outcome, and it would come for me before I was ready. Death is something that every living creature faces eventually, so there's no point in being afraid of it. It's not the idea of death that scares me, but rather what lies beyond it, something that's hidden from view but can be experienced by anyone who passes through that door.

I expected to be greeted by a burning pit of hell or perhaps even a gate of past relatives beckoning me towards a bright, heavenly cloud. Instead, I was surrounded by an all-consuming darkness, an inky void that enveloped me entirely. There were no signs of life, no fluttering wings of a bug, no rustling limbs of an animal that would suggest the possibility of reincarnation. It was a void of nothingness, an emptiness that stretched out before me endlessly.

No heaven nor hell binding me.

In my last dying breath, I didn't want to leave. Not yet. But it didn't matter what I wanted; my life was in the cruel hands of fate. I could laugh at that...fate. The events led me to where I was now, with none of my control to hold back what would happen to me. Perhaps it was destined to be this way for my life to end as quickly as it finally started.

In the end, none of it mattered. Ironic, of course. I worried so much about death, about being near death at many moments of my life now to just be gone in a second. My heart gave out so quickly as I was plunged into the darkness that consumed my soul.

It was peaceful in a sense, no pain, nothing.

Until I felt it.

I thought this was my hell, burning throughout my non-existent veins. As the burning sensation coursed through my body, a new realm of consciousness unfolded. It was as if an otherworldly fire was consuming the essence of my being, transcending the boundaries of life and death. The tranquillity that initially enveloped me transformed into an inferno of sensations, each flicker of flame carrying an echo of the unknown. Maybe this was hell.

I became aware of a presence, an elusive force that seemed to hover at the edge of perception. It was neither benevolent nor malevolent but a manifestation of something beyond the comprehension of mortal understanding. The darkness that had embraced me now pulsated with an energy that defied explanation, hinting at the mysteries that awaited in the uncharted territories of the afterlife.

As I traversed this ethereal plane, I began to discern indistinct whispers and murmurs that resonated with the echoes of countless souls. It was a chorus of existence, a symphony of the afterlife, weaving tales of cosmic significance that transcended the boundaries of time and space.

It was as if my essence had been cleansed, purified by the ethereal flames that danced with the echoes of forgotten memories. The pain gave way to a profound understanding—an unveiling of truths that had eluded me in the realm of the living.

A sinister sensation slowly slithers through my body, insidiously coating every nerve and limb like an evil mist. It begins as a subtle, chilling shiver that creeps along the edges of my skin, gradually intensifying into a suffocating embrace. Each nerve seems to tingle with malevolent energy, as if dark tendrils are weaving through the intricate network of my being.

The poison, metaphorical yet palpable, seeps into the very core of my existence, leaving a bitter residue on the delicate threads of my consciousness. It's like an invisible toxin is hijacking the synapses, distorting the usual signals of comfort and ease. Once obedient and familiar, my limbs now carry the weight of an unseen burden, moving slowly. Something foreign within me burned away each nerve, but I couldn't scream.

As the poison permeates deeper, a disconcerting heaviness settles into your bones, rendering each movement an arduous task. It's as if a malevolent force has taken residence within, orchestrating a discordant symphony of discomfort. Even the air you breathe feels tainted; each inhale carries a subtle yet undeniable tinge of the ominous substance that courses through your veins.

The sensation is paradoxical — an unsettling blend of numbness and heightened awareness. It's a cold, creeping dread that wraps itself around you, a pervasive darkness that eclipses the warmth of normalcy. The poison, an intangible malevolence, plays havoc with your emotions, distorting joy into a hollow echo and amplifying the echoes of anxiety.

In this insidious dance with toxicity, every inch of my being becomes a battleground between the invading darkness and the dwindling sparks of resilience. It's a visceral experience, as if the essence of your existence is under siege, caught in the clutches of a venomous force that leaves an indelible mark on my soul.

But I saw the light before me, opening up the darkness around me. I pushed and pushed, trying to get to it as quickly as possible, but it was as if my limbs were gone. My soul was floating, unable to grasp it.

As I floated, trapped in the delicate dance between light and void, the essence of my being yearned to reunite with corporeality. Pursuing that elusive light continued as a testament to the indomitable spirit that transcended the boundaries of form, persisting even in the face of the intangible, otherworldly forces that held me captive.

The pulsating light, a manifestation of its vitality, intensified in its luminosity, casting radiant waves that seemed to carry an essence beyond mere illumination. It grew with an ethereal fervour, expanding its brilliance until it enveloped me in a luminous embrace. As the light wrapped around my ghostly form, I felt a gentle yet profound warmth seeping into the very core of my being.

The pulsating energy of the light mirrored the rhythmic beats of a cosmic heart, each pulse resonating with an otherworldly life force. It wasn't just a source of illumination; it was like the light possessed a consciousness, a sentient presence that recognized and responded to the soul's yearning.

And it pulled me from the ashes I was laid be reborn.


Welcome back, everyone :)

From the Ashes, the long-awaited sequel to Near Death Experience, is finally here! Picking up where the first book left off, readers are once again invited to dive into the rich, complex world of the story's protagonist, Adelaide. With a new threat looming on the horizon and old enemies resurfacing, the stakes have never been higher.

But as Adelaide faces their greatest challenges yet, they'll also discover new allies, uncover long-held secrets, and find the strength to rise from the ashes of their past. Get ready for a thrilling adventure that will keep you on the edge of your seat from beginning to end!


Please be advised that From the Ashes contains depictions of violence, including scenes of combat and gore, as well as references to trauma and loss. Additionally, the book explores themes of grief, mental illness, and assault. Reader discretion is advised for those who may find these topics triggering or disturbing. I encourage readers to prioritize their mental health and well-being and seek support if needed while engaging with the book's content.

This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons or events is purely coincidental.


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No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without the prior written permission of the copyright owner, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

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