Our Past Haunts Us

Start from the beginning

"Really?" Spencer turns and asks the girl. She shrugs and looks around Spencer to me, waiting on an answer I guess.

"Shut up before I throw you two out to the walkers." I snap at her, standing up from the chair. She pretends to zip her lips. I roll my eyes at her as I pull Spencer out of the room.

"Can we get some water and food?" She yells at our retreating figures. Maybe later. Spencer and I walk into another room, shutting the door behind us. I look around to make sure there's no one inside.

"Ashley what did you mean in there about him hating you when he finds out, what happened?" She questions as we take a seat.

Eleven Months Ago

"Mom, dad!" I shout down the hall as I open the door to another room. People are running around frantically trying to get out of here to safety. The building is overrun now. The dead have come back they're taking down anything that gets in their way. They're hungry for one thing and one thing only.

Human flesh.

"Ashley we need to go, we're almost the last to-"

"I know." I snap, cutting her off. "I'm sorry." I turn to her immediately and say. "My parent's Beccs. I don't know if they're here. I can't get in contact with them."

"But you can't find them if you're dead Ashley. This is ground zero, we shouldn't even be here anymore."

"It's out of control, the dead are everyone, everyone needs to evacuate the building now!" A man screams over the intercom. I can see the panic in Rebecca's eyes. She doesn't want to leave me here but she's scared for her life right now.

"Beccs just go. Get out of here." I tell her firmly.

"I can't leave you, Ash. I won't." She shakes her head.

"It isn't safe here. It isn't right for me to put your life in danger just because I want to find my parents." I try to explain to her.

"My granddad." She says suddenly, like it just dawned on her.

"He's here?" I question. She nods.

"He get's flustered easily, Ash. He won't know what to do in all this chaos." She tells me, concern evident in her voice.

"We'll find him." I assure her.

"There's no time to search for my granddad and your parent's. We should split up." She suggests.

"No!" I shake my head firmly. "We need to stay together. I can protect you." I tell her.

"I want you to find your parent's, Ashley."

"And we will." I nod. "And we'll find your granddad okay?" She nods. "I love you." I whisper and kiss her lips.

"I love you more." Is her reply.

And then it happens. In an instant everything changes. They're pulling her back and she's screaming for my help.

Do I help her or do I run?

We were told that once you've been bitten there's nothing that can be done. You can't be saved. You'll change into one of those things. They have her; the love of my life. She's screaming for me and I can't do a damn thing to save her. I only have seconds to decide as they start to bite her all over. Do I risk it to save someone that can't be saved or do I run?

Three zombies are headed towards me now. I have to decide quickly. I shut my eyes tightly as the tears stream out, then I turn on my heels and run, I run as fast as I can; through the stairwell door and down the stairs.

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