"..." Liu Chuan fell silent.

Qin Ye continued, "You're aware of the situation in our team. We have a Claw Emei who is not inferior to me in skill. He has played in several matches and has better synergy with Yang Jian. My contract with Chang'an is about to expire, so..."

Liu Chuan exclaimed, "You're not thinking of transferring, are you?"

Qin Ye calmly typed, "I've been with this team since the formation of the Chang'an Team. If possible, I don't want to leave. But now, staying at the Chang'an Club is exhausting. My communication with the team members is diminishing day by day. Apart from Xinyan, who still listens to me, the new ones have mostly been influenced by Yang Jian, turning into enthusiastic followers. In a way, my style no longer suits this team."

Liu Chuan solemnly said, "As a player of your caliber, a transfer would have a significant impact. Have you considered it thoroughly?"

Just as it was challenging for a commanding player like Liu Chuan to transfer, changing a core player would undoubtedly completely alter the team's playstyle. Unless absolutely necessary, teams rarely directly replace their main players.

The Chang'an Team was established by Qin Ye and Lin Liming. In the sixth season, Lin Liming, the former captain, planned to retire. They discovered Yang Jian from the online game, who had one of the fastest hand speeds in the professional circle. With his youthful enthusiasm, he brought out the explosive style of Sword Sect's Wudang technique to its peak, delivering outstanding performance in the seventh season, even winning the award for the Best Player of the Year. Lin Liming retired after the seventh season to get married, leaving the leadership to Yang Jian and maintaining Qin Ye as the vice-captain.

Qin Ye didn't mind this arrangement; after all, the captain had to handle various interviews, and with his personality, he wasn't interested in dealing with the media. Yang Jian, being more outgoing and sociable, was a more suitable captain.

After two seasons of training, Yang Jian rapidly grew and matured. Conflicts between him and Qin Ye gradually surfaced. Despite both being sharp explosive players, their approaches were vastly different, making it impossible for them to adapt to each other.

Most of Chang'an's veteran players retired, making room for a new batch of young players. These newcomers didn't have much emotional connection with Qin Ye. During matches, they naturally followed the commands of the captain and vice-captain, leading to disagreements between them.

Under Yang Jian's leadership, the entire playstyle of the Chang'an Team changed. Rising stars with similar ideologies to Yang Jian became the team's main force. Qin Ye, who had been with Chang'an the longest and had the most experience, gradually fell out of sync with the team's rhythm, feeling a sense of powerlessness akin to "the waves behind the Yangtze pushing the ones ahead."

Internal conflicts within a team are rarely flattering when spoken about openly, but seasoned professional players are well aware of the internal dynamics of the Chang'an Team. In simple terms, the top-tier players Qin Ye and Yang Jian simply cannot reconcile their differences.

The captain of the Copper Sparrow Team, Shao Zehang, is renowned in the league for his icy demeanor, while the vice-captain, Lu Xiang, has a lively personality. Seemingly two extremes, their cooperation is incredibly harmonious. Lu Xiang, with a simple mindset, willingly follows Shao Zehang's arrangements, and despite Shao Zehang appearing aloof, he is meticulous. Their mutual adaptation and understanding have propelled the Copper Sparrow Team to become a powerful force.

The captain of the Seven Star Grass Team, Xiao Sijing, has a calm personality and a reputation for being difficult to approach, often seen with a cigarette. The vice-captain, Su Shilun, has a severe aversion to dirt and a strong dislike for the smell of smoke. Although they appear incompatible, their collaboration remains exceptionally sharp. Xiao Sijing, seemingly strict but principled, complements Su Shilun's blunt exterior with a considerate and soft side. Their understanding of each other, working hand in hand, has contributed to the achievements of the Seven Star Grass Team.

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