[04] Progressing Backwards

Start from the beginning

Plus, heroes do really great work, so I totally get where you're coming from!

I'd love it if you told me more about your notes on heroes

Even though I'm a fan, I'm definitely not as knowledgeable as you are


You really think so?

Almost everyone tells me it's a waste of time and that I'm just in denial

You're so nice, [Name]

Thank you

I really appreciate it

[Midoriya Izuku feels much more confident now.]

[+30 love points.]

[Current progress: 30/200]

You giggled while staring at your phone. As much as it felt a bit unfair to be able to know their inner thoughts every now and then, you were always happy to know that your words were having a positive effect. From what you'd seen, Izuku was a sweetheart. If you could help him build his confidence bit by bit, that was all the better.

You ended up texting for more than an hour straight. As shy as Izuku was, once he started rambling about a topic he had a lot of passion for-like heroes, for instance-he got swept up in the excitement and just couldn't stop. You liked it, though, because it allowed him to break out of his shell for a bit. He wasn't boring at all, even if that's what he seemed to think.

By the end of it, you had amassed a few more points.

[Current progress: 50/200]

I'm making steady ground with him. He's really nice, so I feel comfortable keeping this pace up. We're already friends, but I wonder what the next rank is? I guess I'll just have to find out.

Clearly, Izuku wasn't going to be an issue. He was easy to get along with, and you had a really good feeling about him. By comparison, Shouto was a lot more difficult to decipher, but even he didn't stress you out that much.

The biggest problem so far was that rude asshole, Katsuki.

You really had no idea how you were meant to make him like you. He seemed like the kind of guy who didn't like anyone, just based on how quick he was to lose his temper, and even get violent. Unlike Izuku and Shouto, you also didn't want to get close to him. You couldn't imagine yourself getting along with someone so hateful and abrasive.

Unfortunately, you didn't have a choice. Which made the whole thing that much more infuriating.

Ah, well. No point in giving yourself a headache over it. You would cross that bridge when you got there.

I've got Shouto's number too, so maybe I'll try texting him as well.


Hi, Shouto!

It's [Name]

We met at the mall earlier, remember?

I'm just messaging you so that you can save my number!

It took quite a while for you to receive a response, but eventually, your phone buzzed.

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