𝐍𝐨. 8

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Rosalies pov :

The rain didn't even stop but I just couldn't be in that house for another second. I didn't like Joseph. He is nothing but mean to me. I hope that changes.

The next day :

I was sitting next to Annick, smiling and talking about our teachers. We were laughing about something she said, as Jean Pierre started walking towards us. He took out a cigarette and lit it.
"Rosalie right?" He asked as he puffed on his cigarette onto me.
"Yes?" I asked him curious.
"Come with me!" He said with a serious expression before he started walking away from me.

I looked confused at Annick who looked just as confused before I followed him.

As I was walking behind him I noticed that Joseph was staring at me. He looked mad. I didn't know why he was mad at me. His dark eyes followed me until Jean Pierre stopped behind a tree, near him.

I heard his friend saying something with my name. He laughed and walked away.

Jean Pierre started talking about Michelle and how I needed to pay more attention to her so she wouldn't make stupid decisions. He talked and talked but I couldn't stop thinking about descamps. Was he mad about what happened at his house?

It was kinda of weird, we almost kissed and it would've been awkward if we had seen each other at school, why did he even come so close..?

After Jean Pierre finally stopped talking after 20 minutes thanks to the school bell I walked away from him. Confused and angry. What does it have to do with me? If he wants Michelle to study and concentrate on school so badly then he should talk to her about it and not to me!

And why is Joseph mad at me? He didn't do anything except daydreaming for 3 hours.

I sat in class listening to the teacher and taking notes until I heard whispers behind me. I tried ignoring it but suddenly  I was thrown by paper balls. When I turned around in horror, I saw Joseph laughing. His friends laughed too and started making more paper balls.

I picked up the paper ball and threw it back at him. It hit his head. He stopped laughing and looked at me mad. He took it and threw it back before he started making more of them. He threw at me a few more but every time he threw one more the laughs were getting more and more silently.

I started making paper balls too and threw them at him. This continued before he wrote something on one and lightly tossed it at me. I picked it up from the floor and read it. He has bad writing.

Call me later!

Stand on it. I looked up to him. He smirked and then suddenly stopped and looked behind me. I turned around and saw The teacher in front of me.

He raised one eyebrow, he wanted to say something but I interrupted him.
"Joseph started it!" I quickly said and looked at Joseph.

He just stared at me with a serious expression. The teacher looked mad and sent both of us to the Dean's office.

As we were walking to the dean's office he stopped walking.
"Rosalie." He started talking and looked at me seriously. I turned around and looked into his eyes.
"We need to talk... about what happen-"
"Almost" I interrupted him. He was silent for a second before he started talking again.

"What almost happened."

He looked into my eyes. He didn't say anything. He just looked into my eyes. I looked into his eyes. He started laughing while shaking his head.

"Alright, if you want it that way." He whispered smiling in my ear. He walked away from me without looking back.

I was very confused. What does he mean?

Later that day I was studying in my room. I heard some noises downstairs but I didn't think much of it. My door and my windows were open. I hope Valentin doesn't drink again.

I studied for a bit but I couldn't concentrate. I kept thinking about what Joseph meant. 'Alright, if you want it that way.' ... what did he mean by that?

I decided to call him. I searched for the cigarette. I finally found it and called him. Once and twice but nobody answered. I called him for the third time.

"Joseph answer," I whispered to myself.
"What do you wanna talk about?" Someone said. I looked around and saw him. Joseph. What is he doing here? Standing in my room. Looking into my eyes, smiling at me.



777 words

Hi, sorry guys I was on a school trip in Austria. I'm going to start more often. Anyways I'm sooo surprised about so many readers... THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! I'm so happy omg. I hope you guys liked this chapter.


𝑱𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒑𝒉 𝑫𝒆𝒔𝒄𝒂𝒎𝒑𝒔 - 𝐌𝐢𝐱𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬❣︎ Where stories live. Discover now