Mini Rant

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Okay so this sort of has something to do with One Direction but not really.

I hate when people reply to your comments on something and they get so freaking defensive over the writer.

I swear, if I wrote "Harry wouldn't do that" someone would call the cops.


Seriously though.

A few months ago I commented something on a story that I won't name. The author wrote about how people always say that One Direction won the X Factor in fanfictions. So I commented that maybe it was an AU.

You'd think I just murdered the author.

After a few months, some stupid girl decided to write "Because the author would keep everything the same except the xfactor..."

Like, excuse me? I just suggested something. I had no idea what story the author was even referring to, so I just suggested that maybe it was an AU.

I hate people.

Omg sorry for my stupid mini rant that had almost nothing to do with One Direction.

As always, comment your opinion or experiences with this kind of stuff.

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