Moss continues to rub his shoulders, "I can try getting out the knots if you want."

"You don't have to."

"I want to."


After dinner, Moss follows up on his offer by having Tye lay face down on the bed while he figures out how to relieve some of the back pain through lots of trial and error.




"Lowe- wait, stop there. That's perfect."

"That's where I started, you dork," Moss presses into his back harder than he has been as revenge, but rubs gently over the spot when Tye groans in discomfort. He makes a mental note to look up some YouTube videos on how to properly treat Tye's back issue while he's gone.

Cuddling in bed later that night, Tye brings up their upcoming anniversary.

"It's going to be two months for us soon. How would you feel about flying out to San Francisco for a day or two so we can celebrate?" He asks sleepily.

Moss hums at the suggestion, "Sounds like fun. I'd still have to work during the day, but we could get dinner and walk around the city when I clock out."

Tye books a flight for him while he's on the team's plane to San Francisco the next day.


Three days later, Kelsey picks up Moss on her way to Melanie's house to watch the first game of round two against the Anglers. Roksana shows up a half hour after they arrive, but presents them with an expensive bottle of Cabernet which makes up for her tardiness.

They're all two glasses deep by the end of the first and have been talking loudly over the game for the entire period.

"A rodeo!" Kelsey exclaims roaring with laughter. "Marcus didn't mention any of this to me the other day!"

Moss has tears in his eyes recounting the story Tye had told him about Enny, "I just can't believe the bouncer knew who they were the entire time and made them come up with a backstory anyway."

"Is issue with this country. Twenty-one is too old for drink limit. Enny is adult, he should be in bar," Roksana chimes in before taking a sip of her wine.

Melanie's cheeks are red from the alcohol and her fit of laughter that she is just starting to recover from, "I agree! He is a twenty year old man with a full time job, there is no reason why he shouldn't be legally allowed to drink with his coworkers."

They continue exchanging stories until Kelsey end ups offering to host the next watch party at her apartment on Wednesday.

"I won't be here. Tye's flying me out to San Francisco so we can celebrate our two month anniversary," Moss reveals while watching a replay of a hit that Landry just made on the TV.

He hears giggling in response to this information, causing him to look at the WAGs sitting in the living room with him. "What?" He asks with a confused tilt of his head.

"Oh nothing. You and Tye are just adorable is all," Melanie says with a twinkle in her eye.

Roksana is less vague with her response, "Marty is, like, obsessed with Mossukha. Can't be away from boyfriend for long."

Moss' cheeks and ears redden after hearing his friend's analyze his relationship.

"It's really cute, Mo," Kelsey reassures him with a wide smile on her face, "Enny says that Tye has taken his place for most whipped on the team. He, apparently, is always bringing you up to the boys now that they all know about you."

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