Chapter 25 Penelope & Charles

Start from the beginning

I nod "Wow, good idea your probably right" Penny says

Chase grabs a bottle and Penny starts feeding her and sure enough that was exactly what was wrong as soon as her ears pop she calmed down.

Penny smiles and turns around some "Thank you so much"

"Your welcome" She smiles "We've had babies on planes before too, believe me I know how it feels" She chuckles

Penny and Chase chuckle too

Chase takes a picture of them sitting there and Penny smiles

"Perfect, my 2 beautiful girls" Chase smiles

Penny does too they have been trying to take a lot of pictures so they could cherish all these great memories their creating as a new family.

3 hours pass, out of their 4 and a half hour flight.  They have been up a lot between going to the bathroom, as well as changing Alice who never seemed to go they same time they had to, and just getting up to get things to walk around holding Alice to get her to sleep again. But now Alice was finally back in her carseat sound asleep again, and Penny had her head resting on Chase as they were both sound asleep too.

Until Alice wakes up crying once again.

Penny and Chase both start to wake up again and Penny unbuckles and picks up Alice bouncing her "Shh baby it's okay" She says and keeps bouncing her trying to get her to calm down.

Chase yawns and stretches some watching Penny and Alice

Alice starts to calm down and starts sucking on her hand and Penny smiles "See big girl your okay"

Alice looks at Penny and smiles and then stops and scrunches up her face.

Penny and Chase both laugh and Penny puts Alice on her chest and rubs her back "Are you okay baby?" Alice was contend until she decides to poop.

But when she pooped she pooped so much it came right out of her diaper and out of the onesie she had on and all over herself and even more on Penny.

"Oh my god!" Penny almost screams and Alice starts crying again

Chase tried not to laugh and held up his phone "Smile"

Penny looks at him not happy "Seriously" She says mad

He puts it down and smiles "Hey you said you wanted to capture all the memories"

she just looks at him and Chase and Penny stand up, walking to the little bathroom holding Alice as they walk and try to clean up.

They wiped down Alice and put a new diaper and onesie on her, she was easy to clean up.

Chase was holding Alice while Penny was trying to clean up

She groans "How am I supposed to get this all off my shirt? I'm going to smell like shit now"

Chase hides a laugh "Here let me go get my sweatshirt and you can put it on instead of that shirt that work?" He asks

Penny nods

Chase smiles "Hold her and I'll go get it" He hands Alice to Penny

Penny holds her and looks at her "Why did you have to poop on mama? Huh?" Penny looks at her and chuckles

Alice just stares up at Penny and Penny smiles "I still love you baby girl" She kisses Alice's head

Chase soon comes back with his sweatshirt "Here honey" He takes Alice and gives her the sweatshirt.

The Cavanaugh's All Grown Up; Book 2 of the Spoby Ever After NovelsWhere stories live. Discover now