Chapter 16 Spencer Toby & Company

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Spencer, Toby, Adalyn, Andrew, Kylene, Nathaniel and Brynnleigh

At Airport

Today everyone else is flying out to New York just in time for Leighton and Landon's wedding. Everyone is quite excited but Spencer and Kylene are really worried about Kylene flying when she is almost 9 months pregnant.

They were all sitting at their gate waiting to board, they had some time until they all actually needed to board the plane. Kylene was sitting next to Nate who had an arm around her as she rubbed her huge growing belly. Spencer and Toby were sitting next to each other Brynn on Toby's lap as she talked and talked and talked to them, hardly breathing between each word.

Adalyn was also back from her trip, her and her now boyfriend Andrew have been dating ever since their first date after they talked at Starbucks. He finally admitted to her that Starbucks really wasn't his thing, he just really wanted to see her. Now their like glued to the hip, they have only been dating about 5 months now but it feels like so much longer to them. They were sharing a seat. Adalyn on Andrews lap as they were talking about who knows what.

Eventually Toby looks at Brynn "Hey how about we go get a snack? Want to go do that?" He asks her and she nods "Yeah!"

She jumps off his lap and they hold hands and walk to one of the stores there that had a bunch of different travel snacks and magazines.

"Now what would you like?" He asks looking down at her

"hmmmm Cheese-Its!" She says grabbing them off the shelf

"Okay, sounds good, want something to drink too?"

"Yeah pop!"

"How about juice instead?"

She thinks for a minute then nods "Okay, fruit punch?"

"Deal" He says grabbing it for her, he grabs some gum for him and Spencer, knowing that Spencers ears pop a lot sometimes causing her to have panic attacks. That didn't happen when they went to go see Penelope, but it has since they all went to Disney back when the twins were little, and he's just hoping it don't happen again today.

Toby checks out and takes Brynnleigh's hand again since the airport was crazy busy and walked back to their gate with her. She sits down in a seat and starts eating her cheese-its. Toby went to sit back by Spencer but she moved over by Kylene, they were talking so he stayed with Brynn until they were finished.

"Kylie, I am really nervous about you flying aren't you?" Spencer says looking at kylie as she rubbed her belly.

"Yeah a little bit, I am just hoping I don't get sick, or you know go into early labour on the plane, but my sickness has gone down a lot, so I don't think I will. And I am only 35 weeks along, so I don't expect to go into labour anytime soon either"

"I know, I know, I just get worried about those types of things. I mean I know your already having a home birth, but I just don't think I could be able to handle helping you give birth on a plane, that would defiantly be something new to me, and you" Spencer laughs

"Hell yeah it would be" She laughs too

"But it's okay to fly up to 36 weeks along, so I think you will be okay"

"Me too" She smiles and they call their row to board.

They all board the plane, they were all sitting in coach but in the same general area because they wanted to be by each other, and there wasn't enough available seats in first class.

"Oh my lord these seats are tiny" Kylene says cramming into one, her belly was so big it almost touched the seat in front of hers while she was sitting.

The Cavanaugh's All Grown Up; Book 2 of the Spoby Ever After NovelsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz