Chapter 18 Spencer & Toby

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Spencer and Toby

Everyone is now back from Leighton and Landon's wedding. I had been about 5 weeks since the wedding, and Kylene's baby girl is overdue, since Kylene is now 41 weeks and 4 days pregnant. Spencer has been a little worried that it has been to long and that maybe she should go and see if her doctor will induce her, but Kylene is staying firmly on the wants of a home birth.

Spencer hasn't been feeling well lately, she has felt nauseous and she couldn't figure out why. Until this morning when she realized her period was almost a week late. She started panicking and walked down stairs passing Toby grabbing her purse. "Where are you going?" He asks looking over at her from the couch.

"The store, I need to get a couple things, need anything?"

"Umm nope I don't think so, want me to come with you?"

"No it's fine" She says fast leaving and Toby was confused but just shrugged and kept watching tv.

Spencer drove quickly to the store and got a box of pregnancy tests, and then a couple other random items so it looked like she actually needed to go get things, other then the pregnancy tests, since Toby had no idea she could even possibly be pregnant.

Spencer comes back in setting some things on the kitchen table then heading upstairs with the box under her shirt. "Now where are you going?" Toby asks looking over at her.

She don't even turn around "Uh just upstairs I need to pee"

"We have a bathroom down here Spencer.."

"Well I want to change my top too, it's really hot out there!" She says running up the stairs and into the bathroom.

Toby figured he would give her a couple minutes then go up there to see whats going on.

Spencer goes into the bathroom and takes a test.

It comes back positive.

She keeps drinking a ton of water, which she has been since she left for the store and took all the pregnancy test in the box, which were 5.

They all came back positive.

She had them laying in the sink in the bathroom. She held herself up right above the sink staring down at them as she starts crying.

Toby walks in to their bathroom and then knocks on their bathroom door. "Spence? Can you tell me whats really going on, please." He asks

She looks up at him as he opens the door walking in since he heard her crying and points at the sink with all the tests still crying.

He walks over and looks at them with a small gap and turns and looks at her "Oh my god.....your pregnant...." He says shocked

She nods and Toby pulls her into a hug "I knew something was up, you have been acting weird all day... It's going to be okay Spence" He says knowing it would be true, but he wasn't exactly happy about her being pregnant again. He didn't want to start over with kids, and since all of theirs are all grown up thats how he felt. But he wasn't going to dare tell Spencer that.

"It's going to be okay? I can't have a baby! I'm in my 40's!"

"Well obviously you can, and you are." Toby sighs and wipes her tears "Stop crying"

She pouts "Can we afford another baby?"

"Of course Spencer, you act like were poor with both of us working you have more money then we even know what to do with and you know that."

She sighs "Yeah I know"

"But we will have to buy all new things, and turn a room into a nursery again." He sighs

"Yeah... I'm really sorry Toby.."

"Stop saying sorry Spencer! It's okay! It's not like it don't take two people to make a baby!"

"Okay.." She mumbles she did't like when he yelled at her

He rolls his eyes and walks out to their room when he sees her phone light up "Spence Kylene's calling you"

"Okay" She walks out picking it up


"Hi, Um I think it's time for the baby, I have been having small contractions since 3 am this morning but their getting a lot worse I was wondering if you could come help.." Kylene says sounding in pain

"Yes of course we will be right there." Spencer says hanging up and looking at Toby "Come on Kylene's in labour"

Authors Note; This chapter was reality really short. I know. But I have gotten comments and messages saying that I should make Spencer Pregnant again. So I guess I decided to. I hope nobody is mad. But the next chapter will be longer, and I will either post it tonight or tomorrow, if I do post it tonight though there probably won't be one tomorrow because I have an extremely busy day/evening tomorrow. So don't be mad. I hope you enjoyed! This chapter was only 850 words. So my questions are 1. How do you feel about Spencer being pregnant 2. Who do you believe is Charles?

My answer is Wren comment yours!

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