Chapter 19 Kylene & Nathaniel

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Kylene and Nathaniel

Kylene has been pacing around her and Nate's bedroom for the last hour as her contractions are starting to get worse and more often. She has been in labour for about 15 hours by now and is just trying to keep calm.

Spencer and Toby walk in. Toby stays in the living room with Brynnleigh to amuse her, and he really didn't want to help with the birth. Spencer walks upstairs to Kylene and Nate "Hey I'm here how are you feeling?" They had a birthing pool blown up and full ready for a water birth which Kylene was seriously considering. She was in the pool before Spencer arrived and just got out.

"Fine I guess, I'm just in a ton of pain!" She says and holds onto the bed for support and starts to cry and scream some again during a painful contraction.

Spencer walks over and rubs her back Nate follows "It will be okay, you will have this baby before you know it." Spencer says and Kylene just looking at her as if she was lying or something.

"How about you try laying down, or you can lay back in the pool, whatever makes you comfortable?" Spencer suggests

Kylene shrugs and lays down on the bed, Spencer grabs a cool wash cloths and dabs her forehead since she was sweating so much.

Brynnleigh was laying on the couch with Toby as the time kept passing by. It was now about 11pm Toby had gotten her all ready for bed. Kylene is now about 20 hours into labour.

"Papa?" Brynnleigh says looking up at Toby

"Yes honey"

"Why is mommy and daddy and nana upstairs for so long? Why is mommy in pain?" She asks confused.

"Umm well.. because your mommy is going to have your baby sister soon."

"Oh, but why is she in pain and why is everyone here?"

"Well because it really hurts mommy and so that they can help her."

"Oh thats weird, did I hurt mommy?"

"Kind of, but it's okay thats something maybe you should talk to your mommy about later okay?"

She nods and yawns as her and Toby were cuddling "How about I take you up to bed would that be okay?"

"Yeah." She mumbles really tired it was way past her bed time. But Kylene has been almost screaming in pain all evening and Toby was worried Brynnleigh wouldn't be able to get any sleep. But he picks her up walking upstairs.

Brynn lays her head on his shoulder and then looks up when she hears Kylene almost screaming and whining in pain "Mommy?" She looks at Toby she didn't understand what exactly is going on.

"Mommy is okay, come on bed time." He lays her down in her bed covering her up and turns on her White noise machine to help drown out Kylene, and then turned on her night light and kissed her head. "Goodnight, if you need me I'll be right downstairs okay?"

"Okay, night papa" She smiles and he leaves shutting the door to help with the sound as well instead of just keeping it cracked like he did when she came and stayed the night with him and Spencer.

Hours pass it was about 4am Kylene was about 25 hours into labour when Toby slowly walks in. Kylene was in the birthing pool. she was sitting on her knees and had her head going to the side of the pool, Nate was holding her arms for support her head was inbetween them. Nate was on the outside of the pool though.

"Hows everything going?" Toby asks Spencer

"She's getting there I guess. This is long. When she had her first" She whispers her first because Kylene hated when Spencer brought him up "She was only in labour for about 15 hours, and then with Brynnleigh she turned breech so she ended up having a c section after 5 hours of labour, so I think she wasn't expecting anything like this."

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