Chapter 13 Landon & Leighton

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Landon and Leighton

It has been a month and a half since Leighton found out she was pregnant with the twins. Every since then she has been miserable. She has been so sick and tired and emotional and is hating it, and Landon feels so bad for her and really don't know how to help. She can hardly ever sleep at night, she has been having pain in her stomach, bad heart burn, shes always hot, can't walk that far without getting tired, she is bigger but feels way bigger then she actually is, vomiting like there is not tomorrow hardly able to keep anything down including water, but her doctor says all of this is normal, and will probably just get worse as the pregnancy goes on.

It was Sunday evening and Leighton was laying on the couch, she had a cold wash cloth laying on her forehead and belly as she watched tv, she was just laying in a sports bra and her panties because she was so hot with the pregnancy and the summer heat. She finally got some food down, and hasn't thrown up in an hour she closed her eyes trying to relax, when Landon walked in the door.

"Babe I'm-" He stops seeing her on the couch with her eyes closed. He smiles thinking she was finally sleeping, she hasn't been sleeping much and needed the most she can get.

Landon walked upstairs getting changed out of his work clothes, and comes back down and starts making dinner. Leighton had fallen asleep but was now waking up from the smell of the dinner Landon was making. She slowly opens her eyes as Landon was making too plates he sees her and smiles.

He goes and sits on the other end of the couch "Good morning beautiful" He smiles "Hi honey" She mumbles and He kisses her softly "How is my wonderful fiance this evening?"

She sits up some and Landon catches the wash cloth as it falls off her forehead and she sighs and shrugs. "Fine I guess"

"You guess? Well you have been sleeping for at least an hour, thats when I got home, thats good since you have been having a lot of trouble sleeping"

"Yeah I know" She sighs and Landon picks her up and places her on his lap, she lays her head on his chest and he rubs her belly "Hows are my babies treating their mommy today?" Landon smiles asking them

"Terrible!" Leighton answers Landon sighs "What happened today?" He asks and the babies start kicking in her belly "That for one! They have been kicking non stop today, I am going to die!" Landon sighs and keeps rubbing her belly "Hey be nice to mommy"

"And I have been throwing up a lot, and I am so hot and I am just so miserable" She starts crying. Landon sighs and rubs her back and kisses her head "Honey please don't cry, when you cry you make me want to cry, and I think I was crying enough last night"

"I know Landon, I'm sorry I am just so emotional and it is so hard" She cries into his chest and he keeps rubbing her back

A few minutes later she stops and looks up at him "Oh my god I'm such a terrible fiance!"

Landon looks down at Leighton confused "What makes you say that?"

"Because I am sitting here crying because I am pregnant with twins and am miserable. When you were crying last night because you sister tried to kill herself because she couldn't even stay pregnant! I am such a terrible person! I should be worrying about you and how you feel, not how I feel" Leighton says feeling so bad.

Landon sighs and holds her close tearing up "it is okay Leighton, it really is, you supported me last night when I was crying...Now I will always be here when you need to cry, and during this entire pregnancy okay?"

She sniffles and nods "Okay"

"But I do want to ask you something" Landon says looking down at her

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