Chapter 2- Rising from ashes

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PEACE after a long era of war is a grueling war in itself.

Daysam with each passing day realizing that the decades long war took a heavy toll on his people not only financially but emotionally and socially too. It’s been six months since Daysam glorious victory on the rebels but this peace comes costly, too many innocent lives are lost, economy is shattered and social structure of the society is hanging by the thread and Daysam is afraid if the situation continues, this nation might face even greater threat then its past horrors, because not only some of his own people who were benefited by the war but also foreign powers too are not happy with this victory.

Aleahil is fully aware about every whisker that is trying to become an uproar against him, in and out of the country but at present his primary concern is the revival of his people.

Daysam is sitting in his study room buried deep in the files, constantly thinking will he be able to help his people to overcome these drastic conditions? Then suddenly lift his face after hearing a gentle knock on his gate.

The guard came in and said “My king Finance Minister and Foreign Minister requested an audience with you, should I let them in.

Daysam nodded his head and the guard left the room after a few minutes both the Finance Minister and Foreign Minister came into the room and greeted the king. Daysam offered them a cup of tea and in heavy voice said “Now, whatever, I asked you two, give an honest and straight forward answer to that don’t sugar coat it for me and the discussion should not leave this room, how broke are we and how much longer can we survive before became vulnerable prey to vultures lurking around to feast on our fleshes.

The finance minister replied “My king our foreign reserves are almost over, war almost emptied our resources, old businesses are barely surviving, no point of discussing the opening of new ones, the government is barely making salaries of the employees and my King I am afraid that if this continues we will not survive long.

Daysam picks up a file resting on his desk and places it in front of both of them and asks them, can it be a solution to all of our problems. Both the ministers looked at each other and then Foreign Minister replied “it can be my king but the problem is war gave the western countries a reason to impose even harder sanctions on us then before, even communist countries are hesitating in buying oil from us.

Daysam sat on the chair and said “The whole world is against us because they are not aware what happened here they don’t know what we did was needed for our survival I think it’s time for us to let the world come in and see from their own eyes”

Foreign Minister replied “it’s a good plan my king but this plan can back fire on us we don’t know if western media is going to support us or they are going to continue publishing their propaganda against us, they are not a big fan of your father’s policy and they think you are following his footsteps”. Daysam replied “that’s the risk we have to take because right now I can’t see any other alternative, If any one has any other suggestions, I am all ears for that”.

Foreign Minister pulled a file and gave it to Daysam and said “then in that case my King this is going to help you a lot” Daysam ask “what is this” Foreign Minister relpied “My king, this is a blueprint of your first visit to next UN General Assembly meeting. You want to invite the world in our country this is the best path for doing that and it will also put the pressure on the western countries, because the whole world will watch your speech word by word as you say it and no one would be able to mold your word for their own interest.

Daysam nodded his head and said “great then it will be our next step when the meeting” Foreign Minister replied “after a month my King”. “Then I better start working on my speech then and give a smile” replied Daysam. Both ministers got up and said very well my King we will leave you to that and we will start preparation and other formalities for your visit at the UN.

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