"Because I don't want to sit here with a random whore. She looks like you found her off the street" Dominic says. "Excuse me?!" I say, raising my voice at him. "I don't know who the fuck you think you are but I will fucking torture you till you beg me to end your life" I say, pissed off. "I like her" Christian says.

"Dante, who the fuck is she?!" Dominic says, fear in his eyes. "My wife" Dante says, smiling proudly. "She's your wife?!" Dominic said, surprised. "Yeah do you have an issue with it?!" Dante says, showing Dominic the ring we just got.

"I approve. She's amazing. I like her more then Dante now" Christian says. "Well I'm just better then Dante so it makes sense" I say. "I have to go to the bathroom I'll be right back" Dante says, getting up. "How did you guys meet?" Christian asks. "I take care of Luna while he works. I'm also Aphrodite's best friend, so he can't get rid of me" I say.

30 minutes later

"What took you so long?" I ask Dante. "I didn't take that long" he says, sitting back down. "You were in the bathroom for 30 minutes" I say. "I wonder if I've ever bought milk from the same cow twice" Dante says, completely ignoring me. "Dante what the fuck" I say, confused. "If we come out of the shower clean, how do the towels get dirty" He says. "Do crabs think fish are flying" he continues. "If I hit myself and it hurts, am I strong or weak" he says. "Your a dumbass" Christian says.

"Dante are you fucking high?!" I ask, shocked. "I don't do drugs Amore" he says, smiling. "He hasn't done drugs in a long time. Something must have happened for him to do drugs again" Dominic speaks up. I text Antonio.


Antonio can you come to the club?


Dante decided he wanted to get high
And I don't know what to do

Deal with it yourself
You understand him better than me

Antonio please
I didn't even know he did drugs
Dominic and Christian are here
Antonio I'm going to break down please

I'm on my way

Please hurry

End of conversation

"Amore, what are you doing on your phone" Dante asks, taking my phone out of my hands. "Dante give it back!" I raise my voice at him. "Why are you texting Antonio?" He asks with a sad look on his face. "Stop reading my texts" I say, grabbing my phone from him. "Whatever bitch" he mumbles. Great, he's also drunk. I bring my knees to my face and hug my knees.

20 minutes later

"Athena, are you ok?" I hear Antonio ask. "He's also drunk" I tell him. "How do you know?" Antonio asks, confused. "Because when he's drunk instead of acting pissed when he's sad, he actually looks sad. He also got jealous because I was texting you" I explain to Antonio. "Let's go Dante" Antonio says. I get up and stand beside Antonio.

"No, I don't want to leave" Dante says, refusing to get up. "Dante get the fuck up before I call Aphrodite!" Antonio raises his voice. Dante immediately gets up and grabs my hand. I take my hand away from him and walk to the car. I get in and miles looks back at me. "Hello Athena, where's Dante?" He asks. "He's coming" I say, looking out my window. Dante gets in right after I say that. "Home please" I Tell Miles and he nods. "I don't want to go home" Dante mumbles.

"I don't give a fuck what you want, and if your going to continue to go get high in a bathroom then you can give me that fucking ring back" I say, annoyed. "Fine" he says. He takes off the ring and throws it at my head. "Dante what the fuck is your issue?!" I raise my voice, pissed off. "Your being a bitch, that's my issue" he mumbles, looking out his window.

"Whatever" I say, not wanting to fight in front of Miles.

30 minutes later when they get home

Dante immediately gets out of the car and I follow behind him. He goes to his office and I follow him. He sits down behind his desk and I slam the door. "Why the fuck did you decide to go get high in the bathroom!?" I ask, raising my voice again. "Because I felt like it" he says. "Are you serious?! You got high in the bathroom because you felt like it?! Did you forget you have a fucking daughter that sits at home all day waiting for you!? You can't go out and do stupid shit anymore Dante, you are a fucking father and you need to start acting like it!" I yell. I hate yelling but he's getting on my last nerve.

"You can't tell me what a good father is when your father is a piece of shit! You don't know what a good father is!" He yells back. I stare at him in shock. "I can't deal with you anymore. I'm done" I say, walking out and going to my room. I grab the stuff Dante bought for me and go back to his office. I put the stuff on his desk and he looks at me confused.

"Why are you giving this to me?" He asks. "I don't need any of your shit. I can take care of myself" I tell him, walking out of his office and going back to my room again. I put a few dresses into a backpack and take it to Aphrodites room. "Hey can you help me find a place to live for a while?" I ask her. "What? Why? No, your not leaving" she says, getting up and taking my backpack. "I can't deal with Dante anymore" I tell her.

"Why?" She asks, confused. "He's high" I tell her and she looks at me shocked. "Athena, please just wait and talk to him tomorrow" she says. "Fine but I'm not letting him off this time" I say and go back to my room. I don't have the energy to change so I just fall asleep in my dress.

New chapter!!!!

Please don't be mad at me I promise there's an explanation for Dante getting high and I promise Athena will forgive him!!

I hate to say this but my mental health isn't the best right now so I won't be writing anymore chapters for a bit, I am so sorry and hope you all can forgive me

I love you all and thank you so much for the support!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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