You are a mystery, the answer is history

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"Apologies, Fukuchi san, i just needed to check on Nakahara san."

"No problem at all, fyodor Kun, now you were saying that you intend to destroy the mafia from the inside?"

One couldn't blame fukuchi for being suspicious, after all, fyodor had always lived up to his name of a 'Demon', and demons aren't loyal. So naturally, he would want to know exactly what fyodor was up to, thus this meeting was held under the pretense of him wanting to see if there was anything he could help with. Which wasn't exactly a lie, they were still working towards the same goal, so he would help where he can, but it wasn't the full truth either, not that fyodor needed or hadn't already known that.

"Indeed i do, I plan to make allies with some of the higher mafia personnel and either gather information from them or recruit them to our cause."

"And thats your main reason for befriending Nakahara Chuuya?"

Because fukuchi wasn't blind, there was no way that would be the only reason, not with how fyodor's eyes literally sparkled each time the man was mentioned, probably out of some twisted interest. Although the hint of concern that bled into his words during the call had him questioning that. However, fukuchi extremely doubted the possibility of fyodor falling head over heels for the enemy, if the man could even fall at all.

"Exactly, however i do wonder if he is alright, he sounded rather tired over the phone, it simply wouldnt do to have him die so early."

Sipping his tea, fukuchi repressed a sigh and gathered all his strength to stop himself from rubbing his temples to ward off the headache forming from the sheer absurdity of the situation. He was still unable to resist raising an eyebrow though, because really, fukuchi most definitely could tell that fyodor was not in love, thank goodness if he was, then fukuchi would have to worry about nakahara having another ability besides gravity manipulation, but he could also tell that fyodor was very interested in Nakahara. Ah, the perks of knowing this little tyke since he was a teenager.

"He's simply the most peculiar person I've seen yet, fukuchi san. How could one stand on the line between loving and hating death without falling to either side?"

Ah, he was obsessed. Now, it wasn't as if he had not seen this before, fyodor had a track record of getting obsessed over people and then breaking them when he got bored, but it had only been 2 days. 2. He wasn't worried that the mission would be derailed by this, arguably almost impossible development, fyodor wasn't the type of person to be so swept up in the throes of infatuation for that, but this was already unexpected, and who knows what other 'impossible' things may come in the near future?

The headache came in full force at that, and fukuchi couldn't stop himself from pinching the bridge of his nose as fyodor continued on his one sided discussion of the many curious things about Nakahara Chuuya. Was there not a saying, what 'it was impossible until someone did it', oh how he hoped this was not going to be one of those situations. The sheer thought of fyodor of all people actually falling in love ran shivers down his spine. He would definitely be needing to keep an eye on fyodor, though for different reasons than he initially thought.

"You say nakahara chuuya is a loyal person?"

"That is true."

"Then how do you plan to go about retrieving information from him?"

It was a genuine question, although it was only asked out of desperation for fyodor to stop his ode about Nakahara's peculiarities.

"Nakahara san is loyal, but he may not be to Mori Ougai."

Confusion bloomed at that, because how would it be that nakahara would be loyal to the mafia, but not to Ougai? And even more important than that, even if that was so, no precisely because that was so, Nakahara wouldnt betray the mafia, and that still meant he wouldnt give the information that they would need. Unfortunately, it didnt seem like he would be able to pry much more out of him, because it appears their uninvited and unwelcome presence has finally been spotted.

"Fukuchi san! Dostoevsky! Please go elsewhere for your talks next time! You're disturbing the customers!"

"Ah sigma Kun, pleasure to see you again."


Well, it wasn't as if fyodor wasn't permanently available with his computers 24/7, so it shouldn't be too hard to get him out to elaborate on whatever grand scheme he was planning.

"Apologies, sigma Kun, but you see, there aren't many places for us to go,"

"Fukuchi san, you are a terrible liar."

"And perhaps we just wanted to talk to you about your relationship with Gogol."

"Absolutely correct, fyodor Kun, so sigma Kun, have you hit second base yet?"

"Dont change the subject!"


Over the past 3 years, chuuya had learnt a great many skills, unfortunately while bandaging his cuts up with one arm was within his abilities, handling a broken arm by himself was not. Thus why he had to call hirotsu for help, and why the elder was currently helping him to splint it. Thankfully the man didnt ask any questions and did what was needed of him without a word, although the concerned frown that appeared momentarily made chuuya slightly uncomfortable.  Hirotsu probably didnt expect chuuya to get injured at all, much less require his help. After all chuuya was supposed to be strong, arguably the strongest in the mafia, able to handle himself and any mission without fail.

Wasn't that why hirotsu always prioritised making sure the newbies didnt get themselves killed on their first day and handling the black lizard, because the teenager that he had half raised since his first day was now higher ranked and stronger than him? Gone were the days where hirotsu needed to bandage deep scratches and stabs, after all chuuya didnt get those anymore, objectively speaking, chuuya didnt need his help anymore, while there were others who did. Chuuya couldn't blame him for giving them more attention, it wasn't like he minded being left to handle himself, he might have at one point been proud that the people he trusted now found him to be independent and strong enough to be left alone. But now, he couldn't help wanting hirotsu to at least ask if he was ok or if he was in pain, whether he still needed the painkillers that hirotsu had taken to keeping on his person since mori's little episode. He didnt say anything though, only a small 'thank you' as hirotsu bowed before hurrying away to bring the black lizard on their next mission.

There was no answer from Kouyou either, after he had texted her that he would not be available in the evening to take over the training for her girls if she wanted to go along with her protege on her mission to make sure she didn't get hurt. He didnt expect one, but it still bothered him a little that she hadn't even read the message. Ah well, at least someone did, even if his reply was rather interesting.

"Pansy? Purple hydrangea? How the heck do those two things remind him of me?"

Pansy (you occupy my thoughts)
Purple hydrangea (a desire to deeply understand someone)
If I'm wrong then um blame Wikipedia -

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