My death will be one amongst the many

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My death will forever always be one amongst the many to the world I'm saving, so i can only hope that at the end of it all, my death will be the one for someone. (It didnt fit in the title so its here-)


The mission was supposed to be simple. Even by Chuuya's standards, it appeared to be a 4 by 4 jigsaw puzzle compared to the 100x100 he's used to. But therein lies the problem. It APPEARED to be. He should have guessed something was up when only he was dispatched on it. He could almost hear Mori explaining his actions to be because it was an urgent mission and that waiting any longer could have had unthinkable repercussions, but chuuya would have greatly appreciated knowing that there were 5 ability users within that drug cartel. Now look who was currently surrounded by said ability users and a bunch of other men with guns all trained on him, with a broken arm and fatigued to the point that his vision was swimming like a fish.

"The port mafia has been a thorn in our side for far too long! You're going down today, Nakahara Chuuya!"

Speaking of fish, Chuuya wondered how long it would take the mackerel to find out if he used corruption here and died from it. The idea was pretty tempting, because it wasn't as if the situation was moving in his favour. Sure he could definitely handle the guns, but after that he was definitely going to be hit by electricity or fire, and if he miraculously dodged that, there would be some shitty debris levitated and dropped on him to obscure the other 2 ability users whose abilities still evaded Chuuya's identification.

"Wait don't shoot yet, he must have something up his sleeve! There's no way the Nakahara Chuuya would accept defeat so easily!"

Ah, maybe it was a good thing after all that kouyou cancelled their tea session today, that'll give her a few more hours of ignorance since there won't be anyone else to take note of his disappearance. Good thing he declined fyodor's invitation before the mission instead of waiting, he didn't want the man to be sitting in the park for hours on end like last time because he took the silence as a yes. Actually, why would Fyodor even wait so long for someone who he just met 2 days ago? Did the guy have no friends? Ok, now chuuya feels a bit bad about accepting his death here, especially since Fyodor always looked happy when Chuuya turned up.

"Oi, are you looking down on us?"

"Yeah, how dare you stare into space and completely ignore us when we have the upper hand!"

Maybe chuuya should put up a bit more of a fight, he would probably die either way but then at least he wont feel bad about leaving fyodor friendless. It wouldnt be too bad to die now, but fyodor's feelings do matter to him, even if he isn't sure if they're close enough to be called friends. Ah well, he'll just try his best, its not like there was any hope of him surviving so its probably alright...

"Ugh, no more dilly-dallying. Everyone attack!!!"


Huh, maybe chuuya was lucky sometimes.

Against all odds, he was now calling Mori to update him on the success of the mission. Somehow he had survived with just more bruises and some cuts that were still bleeding more blood into the already present puddles, chuuya making his own contribution to the scarlet river he had created from the other unwilling volunteers.

It didnt hurt all that much, thus chuuya decided to just wait for the clean up crew to come so he could direct them to where the drugs were instead of having to call them and delay their work. And chuuya was going to do precisely that, if it wasn't for his phone ringing with the caller being none other than


"Hello, nakahara san."

"I believe I've told you to call me chuuya-"

"Apologies for the disturbance, but i wanted to check on you after i heard from rodion that you went out on a mission today."

...Fyodor really must have no other friends, why else would he be checking on chuuya of all people? Although chuuya would be lying if he didnt feel warm in his chest at the audible concern.

"Ah, i did, but it was alright."

Maybe that was an understatement, but what Fyodor wouldnt be concerned by what he didnt know, and chuuya didn't like people being concerned for him, it wasn't as if he couldn't handle himself, the concern would be better spent on other people.

"That's great, nakahara san, I'm happy to hear you are alright. Ill have to get back to my mentor now, but would you be up to going out for dinner later?"

Man, he really must have no friends.

"Sure, why not."

"Thank you for accepting, nakahara san, shall we meet at the park again?"

"That sounds brilliant, I'll see you then."

It wasn't as if chuuya had anything better to do, and he did almost pity Fyodor for not having other people to go out with that he had to ask him. Ah well, he just had to stop the bleeding and get a splint and he'll be all fine by evening. And maybe finish all the paperwork before mori loses his head, but it'll probably be fine, it's still rather early after all.
Chuuya already hit first name base but there's Fyodor still calling him nakahara lmao
I feel bad about putting chuuya through all this but well it's for the plot so

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