Flowers are my words, spoken only in truth

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Between organising his men in Russia and recruiting more people in Yokohama, fyodor didn't think he would ever get around to Nakahara chuuya, but here he was, sitting with the man himself in one of the quaint tea houses around the area. It was just his luck that after signing a deal with a politician in a nearby restaurant, he had caught a glimpse of red hair in the nearby park, one of the parks his informer had told him Nakahara frequented, and upon investigation, lo and behold it was the man he was looking for.

Seeking a base in Yokohama was dangerous for the decay of angels, after all its underground was controlled by the strong and influential port mafia, and on the surface stood the armed detective agency. Fukuchi had agreed that fyodor's responsibility was the port mafia, since his relationship with the detective agency's president would put him in a better position to bring them down. Thus fyodor was saddled with trying to destroy the port mafia. Obviously, bringing it down from the outside was nigh impossible, but from the inside, it was slightly more doable.

Fyodor would have gone ahead with his plan to get information from ace, either the hard way or the easy way, since the man allegedly had files on all the ability users and important personnel in the port mafia, if it weren't for dazai Osamu himself serving said information up to him on a silver plate. Granted, the information could be wrong, but fyodor knew he and dazai thought the same way, and there was nothing to gain from giving fyodor the wrong information, especially dazai himself had the same goal in mind, albeit with a different motivation. Either way, upon analysing the files, fyodor concocted a new plan. It's first step starting with befriending Nakahara chuuya using the identity of his subordinate's brother. He himself looked close enough to rodion's brother, and using this identity would give him enough opportunities to get close to Nakahara. Additionally, rodion and Nakahara were likely not close enough for Nakahara to realise his deceit until later on, which by then he would already have moved on to the next stage of his plan.

Fortunately, there was no shortage of information on Nakahara, between the files themselves and dazai's rants, as well as in the rumours floating in the underground, and an image of the man formed in fyodor's mind almost immediately. Nakahara chuuya should be a passionate man, one who wore his heart on his sleeve, someone who treasured and loved life. Someone that mimicked a burning flame, vibrant and animated.

And that was precisely why fyodor was taken aback when he first made eye contact with Nakahara, even if he showed no outward reaction. Because in those bright blue eyes, wasn't anything like he expected. Even dazai's eyes, with how actively suicidal he was, seemed slightly more lively than nakahara's. These weren't the eyes that belong to a fiery person, but those that belong to someone tired and apathetic. Even more peculiarly, Nakahara's actions and words were still almost the same as what he predicted before this revelation. This piqued his interest, and as they say, "Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back." And Fyodor fully intended to find an answer for this discrepancy.

"Say Nakahara san,"


"What is your favourite flower?"

Flower language, something that Nakahara knew and understood, which fyodor had painstakingly committed to memory after dazai's ranting had informed him of chuuya's knowledge of it. It was from a misplaced question of Nakahara's weaknesses which led to a full blown raving about all of Nakahara's negative qualities, that had fyodor learning of nakahara's tendency to show his true feelings through flowers. Therefore, theoretically, if fyodor asked for nakahara's favourite bloom, it should allow him a snippet into the mind of this new enigma.


"Ah you see, I'm a little bit of an artist,"

Fyodor wasn't lying, he was an artist, if being an artist meant painting concrete walls with the blood of sinners.

"And I've had quite a bit of an artist block recently,"

If artistic blocks meant him having trouble trying to decide which place he should 'investigate' (read: invade and massacre) next for the book.

"So from someone as perfect as you, i hope to find some inspiration to overcome it."

Flattery was a very useful skill, though it wasn't so much empty flattery because Nakahara chuuya was indeed very close to perfect in fyodor's eyes. Nakahara chuuya, the vessel of a god, the embodiment of power, yet uncorrupted by it. Fyodor could see it, whether Nakahara chuuya loved life, whatever his thoughts or personality may really be, corruption had a certain aura, and despite committing sins himself, was untouched by corruption. Call it infatuation or mere curiosity, but fyodor wanted to know more about this man, this god given human skin.

Also, the red rushing to nakahara's cheeks as he devolved into sputtering and squeaking was rather adorable.

"I- ugh never mind, but what do you mean by favourite?"

"Hmm, maybe a flower that represents you, or represents what you want to be or have?"

If fyodor got lucky, he would get three real answers, and if he wasn't lucky he would get three fake ones. There was nothing to gain for Nakahara to not give a real answer, especially since fyodor, to Nakahara's knowledge anyway, was just someone who was curious and didnt care or know the symbolism behind the answers he gives. Naturally, fyodor would still take it with a pinch of salt but that's not to say he wouldnt gain anything from a lie.


Putting on his best smile, fyodor silently questioned exactly what Nakahara was thinking about, whether he was thinking about the question and what were fitting answers, or if he was analysing fyodor to see if he was an enemy or not. While fyodor would say that the former was likelier, he wouldn't put the latter out of the realm of possibility yet. Nakahara was still a mafia member after all, he would have learnt to be suspicious of strangers, even if said stranger was currently assuming the identity of a sibling of one of his trusted subordinates. Even more than that, fyodor did not want to presume Nakahara to be incapable of analysing fyodor's true intentions, he had learnt well that underestimating the enemy would only lead to trouble at best, especially since he was still bewildered by what he had seen from Nakahara.


"I'm sorry?"

Curious, that Nakahara would pick that flower out of the many possible options, and even more peculiar was the bitter smile he adorned.

"One of my favourites, i suppose, alongside Amaryllis and Heliotrope."

Curiouser and curiouser. He simply couldn't help the smile that slipped onto his face.

"I see, those are quite wonderful flowers."

Nakahara chuuya was an enigma, different from the carefully crafted image he had after scouring for information on him. His interest was piqued, and he suppose it wouldn't be quite demon like if he didnt do what was necessary to satiate it. He wanted to understand this person, this vessel, this god in human skin, and he would. All in due time.
Ok there's a chance I got the symbolisms wrong because it's Google so
But these were the ones used here
Anemone: forsaken
Amaryllis: worth beyond physical beauty
Heliotrope: devotion
I'll leave you guys to guess what chuuya is saying here:)))

Also I know I'm having really weird chapter headings but I just wanted unique lines that also say something about the chapter
It's just that I'm not that creative a person so it just comes out like that

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