Spring into my heart, a new beginning

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"Spring again huh."

There was always something different about the wind in spring. It was refreshing, almost always a breeze, light enough to not be an inconvenience but great enough to be felt and appreciated. Trees were bursting with new leaves, their green almost all encompassing, with pops of colour blooming amongst them. It was definitely a sight to be appreciated, the park which chuuya frequented having too been blessed by the springtime wonders. It was almost empty, with the children at school and the adults at work, and chuuya was grateful for that, for as much as he liked human company there were times where he preferred being alone. Today being one of those days. After all, it was the anniversary of dazai's departure. Mori was always a bit more...temperamental around this period, and if chuuya had finished all his missions early just to get out of the area before Mori could set his eyes on him, well no one knows about it except him.

Taking a seat on the bench in front of the lake, chuuya fiddled with his choker as he picked up some pebbles, fully planning to spend his afternoon skipping rocks on the cerulean mirror. He didn't want to reflect on his times with dazai, nor all the unsaid words between them. It didn't matter after all, dazai wont be coming back whether or not the words were said, and it wasn't as if chuuya minded.

One, two, three. Four, five, six.

Almost like an echo, the light smack of the rock against the water was punctuated by clacking of heels against the stone path. The rock continued skipping, but the footsteps came to a stop to his left, and chuuya looked up to see a cordial smile that didn't seem to quite reach bright violet eyes.

"Good afternoon."

"Um...good afternoon to you too."

Chuuya wasn't a rude person, and he didn't want to spoil his streak now, but he didn't know this person, and he doubted going up to random strangers to greet them was a common hobby.

"Do you need something?"

"No, but i just wanted to thank the man who saved my brother yesterday."

Brother? Chuuya couldn't even remember saving anyone yesterday-

"Oh! You're rodion's brother?"

"Indeed, i was quite worried about him yesterday, so him coming back safe and sound naturally has me quite grateful to the one who saved his life."

The resemblance wasn't very significant, but chuuya recalled rodion mentioning his brother a few times, and the man behind him checked most of the descriptions rodion had given. "Pale skin like a vampire, tall and lanky like a lamppost and the face of a sewer rat." Well the man definitely was the first two, though chuuya had to say he didn't really understand how his face looked like a sewer rat. He was quite handsome actually, would be more if he didn't look like a corpse that rose out of its coffin just this morning.

"Oh it was nothing much, rodion is my subordinate after all, I'm responsible for him."

Chuuya didn't understand what was so funny about his words that made the man chuckle, although he didn't really mind because it sounded really nice, almost like the soft tinkling of wind chimes. Except that even if he didn't mind he still wanted to know what was the amusing part of his answer.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing, its just that you're exactly like what my brother said. Humble and handsome."

Chuuya would want to say it was the heat, except that it wasn't at all hot in the area, so the warmth in his chest was completely from this man's words. Or rather rodion's words spoken through his brother but still, to chuuya who hasn't heard praise for a while, apart from his subordinates constant worship, it was a really nice thing to hear.

"You're blushing."

"What the- i am not!"

Except that he was, judging by the warmth in his cheeks, but no way was chuuya going to admit that. And there was also no way he was going to admit that he was blushing even harder when the man started laughing at him, his laughter wasn't that nice damn it!

"Fyodor Dostoevsky."

The man extended a hand towards him, and since said hand was quite literally next to his face, he could see the pale smooth skin covering bony fingers, and the concerning nails that were quite clearly bitten to the nail bed. Chuuya didn't know why, nor would he explain why those nails made him concerned because it wasn't even his problem, except that its a shame that such a handsome man had made his nails look like that-where were his thoughts even going at this point? Did the electric shock from that ability user yesterday mess his head up too?

"Nakahara san?"

Chuuya was shocked that the man, Dostoevsky, knew his name until he remembered that this was rodion's brother, and it was likely rodion had mentioned his name in passing before. Returning the handshake, he decided to still introduce himself just in case.

"Nakahara chuuya, pleasure to meet you."

"Likewise, Nakahara san. Would you like to join me for tea today, as a token of my gratitude of course?"

Chuuya could list multiple reasons why he shouldn't do that, and why he shouldn't trust the guy at all considering it was still possible he was after something else, but chuuya has always relied on his own instincts, and his gut feel trusted Dostoevsky.

"Sure, why not?"

"Thank you Nakahara san. If you would come with me, please."

The two pebbles chuuya was still holding were left on the bench, side by side under the afternoon sun, as chuuya accepted the hand offered to him, getting up to follow Dostoevsky to wherever he was going to.

And this would be the very first page, of the new chapter that spring had brought to him.
I love meet cutes:)))
Also ooc because um well
That's just how I write ig
So prepare for a lot of ooc after this
Not the angst wasn't ooc but yeah too late for that

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