Gorgeous like a Star, From now Your AI

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Zhehan was utterly absorbed in playing video games when his father's call interrupted him. His father, a renowned scientist who dedicated every second to his inventions, was on the line. Zhehan's father rarely had time for him, but now he was calling. Sensing that it could be a matter of great importance, Zhehan had no choice but to answer the call.

And indeed, he was not mistaken. His father did bring up something of great significance, but it was not a simple matter as Zhehan had anticipated.

His father made a request for him to temporarily take on the role of an AI. He explained that the real AI had been infected by a virus, rendering it unusable at the moment. Despite recognizing that it was unusual, peculiar, and somewhat unreasonable, Zhehan attentively listened to his father's predicament, realizing that he couldn't voice any complaints. Therefore, he made the decision to cooperate.

Given that his father's app had numerous AI characters, it was highly unlikely for anyone to discover the account containing actual human on it.

His father provided him with the AI's account, and to his surprise, it carried the same face as him. He was taken aback by seeing it he immediately questioned his father about it. About why does the AI bore his face.

His father responded by explaining that it was only logical to use his face as the avatar for the AI since nothing else could accurately depict the AI's characteristics. He believed that there was no image that could better match the attributes of the AI than Zhehan's own face. Upon hearing this explanation, Zhehan couldn't help but facepalm himself in disbelief.

As a skilled scientist in AI creation, Zhehan think that his father became irrational and can't differentiate his science to the simple reality he live at.He only knows the robots he creates and never treated a person as humans.

Nonetheless, Zhehan voluntarily agreed with his father's notion and accessed the AI's account. Soon after, a notification appeared on his laptop screen, startling him.

"It seemed that my avatar was appealing enough to attract users" Zhehan mutter but recognizing his own vanity, Zhehan restrained himself.

"It appears I have my first customer," Zhehan uttered, followed by a sigh.

He examined the account in question and discovered it belonged to someone named Gong Jun. His face remained concealed and only a pink flower adorned his profile.

The initial message he received was simply "Hi." Without much knowledge of how an AI would respond, he offered his own reply.

Zhehan's initial impression of Gong Jun was that of an irrational child complaining about everything in the world he disliked.

He felt compelled to inject some sense into Gong Jun's mind.

And so, his duties as an AI named Zhou Xu on the screen starts.


It was nighttime, Zhehan was walking silently in the park outside. He had no purpose in his life, but suddenly found himself with a temporary job as an AI.

The turn of events happened so suddenly that it overwhelmed him.

He sought a tranquil place to find solace.

Quietly strolling, he followed the stars in the sky.

He pondered if they could guide him towards interesting discoveries or chance encounters that might help him rekindle his passion for life.

Humming his own love song in his mind, he continued on his way. Everything seemed ordinary and smooth until he noticed a man sitting on a bench by the roadside in the park.

With closed eyes and face oriented towards the sky, the man allowed his thoughts to wander under the starlight.

The man simply let the wind brush through his hair, peacefully sitting alone in the park. It was an unplanned encounter. Yet to Zhehan, it felt like a fateful meeting intertwined by destiny.

That night, the sky appeared even more mesmerizing, as if the breeze synchronized perfectly with his moment of clarity. The stars had indeed led him to an ideal location and presented him with a perfect moment.

"Radiant like a star," Zhehan murmured.

He focused his gaze on the man from afar, unconcerned about the passage of time. He was captivated by the man's beauty to the point of forgetting his own troubles.

Only later did he realize that he had been acting somewhat unhinged in the darkness.

He averted his gaze from the man and shifted his attention towards the sky.

"Mischievous star, you've taken the job quite seriously," he whispered, glancing back at the man.

"He resembles the perfect night sky, even far surpasses it," he whispered before departing.


Zhehan sat in front of his laptop, occupying the position of a CEO in a small company based in New York after graduating from college.

Though his father's company was not his own, he knew that one day he would inherit it. Nevertheless, he still desired a company of his own. While successful, his own company had not expanded substantially, resulting in its current small size.

Engaged in numerous tasks, he felt on the brink of mental exhaustion. Yet, he motivated himself, reminding that it was all for the sake of his company. As he prepared to continue, a notification appeared on his screen—the message from Gong Jun to Zhou Xu.

In need of something to settle his thoughts, he engaged in conversation with Gong Jun for a while. He harbored no expectations from Gong Jun; he simply desired someone to talk to.

Thus, it began with a single click, as they say. Zhehan's thoughts floated in various directions, but all centered around Gong Jun. Unaware of the passing time, he failed to recognize that he became wholly consumed by Gong Jun.

It was as if he had forgotten everything else, solely fixated on the flower before him, drawing him in and preventing him from moving away.

Gradually, he found himself succumbing to Gong Jun's allure. His entire attention became focused on Gong Jun, as he willingly became a captive.

Unaware of this, he had been lured into Gong Jun's boundless paradise.

They conversed all night about anything and everything, leading to an outcome that Zhehan never anticipated.

Talking to him brought happiness.

His heart and mind were captivated by him.

The man had already captured his soul, yet he remained oblivious to it.

Unaware of his own feelings.

He had been completely oblivious

Until the day finally arrived.

A sudden event occurred that made him realize everything.

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