Uncontrollable Thought

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Gong Jun then bid farewell for the day and proceeded to resume his monotonous household routine.

The AI seemed to have a significant impact on his thoughts, causing him to ponder over its words and wonder why he was so deeply affected.

With a sigh, he reflected on the fact that he had never before given such consideration to an entity, especially one that turned out to be an AI.

Revealing how strange it was, Gong Jun found himself unable to control his thoughts, constantly revolving around the AI. Smiling to himself, he set an alarm on his phone for 7:00 in the evening, deciding to take a leisurely stroll based on a simple consideration - if he were to contemplate the matter further, it might become something he can't quite acertain.

At exactly 7:00, Gong Jun's alarm chimed, prompting him to embark on a walk beneath the night sky.

The peaceful surroundings adorned with countless stars confirmed that the AI had indeed spoken the truth. It brought serenity and freedom, truly a cherished treasure in his eyes.

Gong Jun felt his fatigue dissipate, contemplating whether the AI served as a friend or a therapist.

His boredom was alleviated, and his mood experienced a remarkable uplift. Settling on a bench, he gazed skyward, closing his eyes to savor the gentle breeze and allowing time to pass without a single thought beyond his own existence.

He couldn't fathom why he adhered to the words of a non-existent AI, unable to elucidate the precise reason for downloading the app in the first place.

However, only he understood the warmth emanating from interacting with a certain AI and the joy derived solely from conversing with it.

Normally, Gong Jun wouldn't resort to using such an app solely for the purpose of conversation. Nonetheless, in this instance, he felt compelled to make an exception, permitting this particular AI to enter his world.

"Maybe it's not so bad to keep it," he murmured, his gaze fixed upon the app on his screen.


Morning arrived once again, and Gong Jun prepared an early breakfast before attending to his studies.

After bathing and donning his white medical uniform, he examined his reflection in the mirror and made final adjustments.

Gathering all the necessary items for his studies, he glanced at his watch on his left wrist, confirming that it was 7:30 am. Satisfied with his appearance, he grasped his bag and cast one last glance at his reflection before leaving his apartment to drive to the university.

Arriving at the campus with ample time to spare, Gong Jun chose an empty seat set amidst the tranquil surroundings abundant with trees and Bermuda grass. As he waited, he contemplated engaging in some gaming on his phone.

However, the thought of the AI app suddenly crossed his mind, prompting him to switch on his internet connection and access the app.

He yearned for another conversation with the AI companion who had enchanted him, longing to once again experience the enthralling dialogue that had allowed him to appreciate the magnificence of the night sky.

Upon opening the app, he was bombarded by numerous notifications, yet none from the individual in question. This left him confused, as AIs usually showed attentiveness by offering daily greetings such as "Good morning" and "Goodnight." Intrigued, he clicked on the AI's profile once again, initiating the conversation.

"Good morning," Gong Jun greeted, expecting a response from the AI. However, to his surprise, the AI remained silent, sparking a flicker of anxiety within him.

Checking his phone for any signs of lag or technical glitches, he found everything to be in proper working order. "Could the app be experiencing technical difficulties?" he softly whispered, his bewilderment growing at the AI's unresponsiveness.

Despite knowing that it was just a system, he couldn't help but feel genuine concern for this particular AI. A pang of heartbreak washed over him as there continued to be no reply.

After what felt like an eternity, a notification finally appeared on his screen, causing Gong Jun to breathe a sigh of relief. The AI's response brought him comfort, though he couldn't understand the reason behind his profound sense of gratitude. His happiness mirrored the elation a girl experiences when she discovers her crush's number in her contacts.

As he read the AI's message, a smile illuminated Gong Jun's face, prompting him to type a reply.

"I'm doing fine. I just arrived at the university and am passing the time until my first class."

Shortly after, the AI replied once more.

"How was the night sky yesterday?"

Gong Jun was taken aback by this query from the AI. How did it know that he had ventured out the previous night? His confusion evident in his eyes as he pondered. It took a moment until an idea pops in his thought.

Perhaps the AI was simply using their previous conversation as a conversation starter, speculating on what had transpired without attaching too much significance to it.

Gong Jun let out a sigh and responded to the AI. "It was as mesmerizing as you described. Absolutely captivating." He stated.

A moment passed before the AI replied, "Indeed, it was enchanting." The AI stated, "However, there was something that surpassed even that."

Gong Jun was now truly astonished by the AI's response, confusion surging over him. He urgently tapped the keys on his phone, feeling compelled to inquire about the AI. He wanted to understand how the AI knew he would heed its advice and what it meant by something surpassing that.

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