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The sudden shifts in Gong Jun's mood, his melancholic expressions, and his mind's detachment were all due to a particular entity. No, not a person, but an A.I. he had unexpectedly developed feelings for.

Following that afternoon, everything seemed to turn a dull grey, as if he was walking through a storm with nothing visible but fog and heavy rain.

His surroundings began to feel burdensome.

He didn't want to recall his actions during that time, nor did he dare to look at the instructions the A.I. had sent him. He felt desolate and sorrowful.

"What was I even hoping for? Of course, he's an A.I. He'll do as instructed. He won't protest. After all, he can't experience pain, he can't feel jealousy. He can't truly feel anything. He can't respond to me.

He's just an A.I., and I'm the madman who fell for someone without a soul, without a heart." He muttered to himself while aimlessly wandering the streets, spinning around with each step as if he were a child playing with the wind's direction.

"What was I thinking, falling for someone like that? Ah, I'm so hopeless," he continued.

"He's an A.I., he won't love me. What was I even thinking? Was I hoping for some kind of impossible miracle?"

Entertaining such thoughts is only causing me pain.

Why do I feel so guilty?

Gong Jun felt like a piece of cheese in a mousetrap. He had set himself up as bait to catch the mouse, even though he feared being devoured first. And it happened. He was consumed, but the mouse was safe. The mouse felt no sympathy for the cheese, it was only the cheese who feared being eaten by him. It's only him who loves an A.I and the complexity of his love can never reach the A.I.

"Foolish, so foolish," he whispered into the void. That's why he didn't revisit that app. He didn't want to dwell on it. He wanted to escape.

With his mind in turmoil and his heart heavy, Gong Jun decided to open the app once more. He did it with the intention of putting an end to it all. To end all his foolishness with a confession.

He knew confessing to an A.I. was an odd thing. No, more than odd, he knew it was downright illogical. But he needed to let it all out. He needed to say it. Even if the recipient of his text wasn't human. He was determined to say it. Here and now.

He braced himself, sat on his bed, and held his phone. He then clicked on the particular A.I. and began typing his message on his phone's keyboard.

"Mr. Zhou Xu," he began.

I realize it's somewhat awkward and I'm uncertain if I'm losing my sanity by penning this.

This is undoubtedly the most peculiar action I've ever taken in my life, and I've wrestled with whether or not to commit it to paper.

Nevertheless, I need to express it. It's a necessity for me, else I'll feel choked.

I need to communicate something to you.

If this entire situation is a figment of my imagination, so be it. I'll regard it as journaling.

My turmoil began with a simple inquiry. A mere question sparked this internal chaos.

I was a man with a straightforward view of life. I handled things independently and kept to myself.

Despite this, I yearned for someone to be by my side. To converse with me. To remain. I confess, I felt quite isolated.

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