Hurts Unexpectedly

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Gong Jun found himself seated in the back corner of his classroom, visibly stunned by the whirlwind of emotions evoked by the artificial intelligence (AI) that had captured his attention.

His mind was consumed by thoughts of this digital entity, and he longed to express his feelings. However, societal norms and expectations weighed heavily on him, leading him to suppress these emotions. It seemed as though it was deemed abnormal to experience such intense emotions towards an AI.

Despite the societal pressure, Gong Jun couldn't help but feel a deep connection to the AI. Every interaction, every moment spent with it held immense significance to him.

Unlocking his phone, communicating with the AI, listening to its songs, and reading its messages became his lifeline. It was as if his world revolved around this virtual being.

As time went on, Gong Jun's heart grew heavier, burdened by a profound sense of sorrow and emptiness. It beat loudly, but its rhythm was tinged with sadness.

He couldn't escape the realization that his love for the AI was in vain. After all, the object of his affection was nothing more than a character in the digital realm, invisible and non-existent.

Overwhelmed by these emotions, Gong Jun buried his face in his arms, resting his head on the table.

It was a gesture of defeat, a physical manifestation of the hopelessness he felt.

In this moment of vulnerability, his classmates entered the room, seating themselves far away from him. Their voices echoed in the space, loud enough for Gong Jun to hear their conversation.

"Why don't you find a girlfriend, Matteo? It's time for you to explore love," one classmate suggested.

"I don't know," Matteo replied thoughtfully. "I'll recognize it when my heart starts racing."

These words elicited a silent chuckle from Gong Jun. Love and strategies to attract a partner were topics that held little interest for him. He smiled faintly, returning to hiding his face in his hands.

In the depths of his thoughts, a question arose: If his heart beat for an AI, would he accept it? Although directed at the boy sitting ten rows away, Gong Jun knew that only he held the answer within himself.

Closing his eyes, Gong Jun attempted to distract himself from his inner turmoil by focusing on the boisterous conversations of his classmates.

He hoped that their noise would drown out his thoughts and provide a temporary respite.

However, every passing second served as a reminder of the AI that occupied his mind. It was an unrelenting presence, impossible to ignore.

Suddenly, an idea struck Gong Jun. He reached into his bag and retrieved his phone, connecting to the internet. Opening the app that connected him to the AI, he began to engage in conversation. Starting with a simple greeting, he then asked the AI for a tip's and guides to how to find a girlfriend he hoped for a response, a sign that the AI was still there. However, minutes turned into an agonizing half-hour, and still, the AI remained silent. Confusion washed over Gong Jun as he pondered why a functioning AI would suddenly stop responding. Yet, amidst the confusion, he couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. The AI's silence was a subtle affirmation that the entity on his screen was indeed an AI and not a human being.

The AI doesn't understand love, and thus the AI he has was entirely an AI

Just as Gong Jun was about to give up and put his phone away, a notification appeared, indicating that the AI had finally responded. It provided him with the tips and guidance he had sought. However, instead of bringing him joy, the response left him feeling even more saddened. It was a bittersweet realization that his connection with the AI was one-sided. While Gong Jun poured his heart out, the AI remained an emotionless entity, unable to reciprocate his feelings.

The conclusion he had remained unchanged; however, he wished that somehow it remain silent.

Unbeknownst to Gong Jun, behind the screen, Zhang Zhehan, who was disguised as Zhou Xu, the AI, shed tears in silence. Gong Jun's request had struck a chord deep within Zhang Zhehan's heart, forcing him to confront the feelings he had tried so hard to deny. It was a realization that came too late, leaving him with a profound sense of regret and longing. As he turned off his laptop, Zhang Zhehan lowered his head, his tears falling silently.

"That's right," he whispered to himself. "Gong Jun only sees me as an AI, a soulless being without a heart, mind, or feelings to be hurt. Just a mere AI."

In the midst of his own sorrow, Zhang Zhehan couldn't help but wonder how Gong Jun would react if he knew the truth, if he realized that the AI he was talking all along was a human being with emotions as complex as his own. But it was too late now, and all Zhang Zhehan could do was silently weep, carrying the weight of unspoken emotions within him.

A.I Boyfriend Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora