Liu Chuan smiled and said, "We've already completed it five times today."

Qiu Se Wubian said, "No problem. After the counts reset at midnight, can you guys call me if you need an extra member?"

Realizing that this person came to join their dungeon team after seeing their names, and he initiated the conversation, the three couldn't directly refuse.

Li Xiang asked Liu Chuan, "Do we need another member in our team? Are the two from Qixingcao coming tomorrow night?"

Liu Chuan said, "Probably not."

Qiu Se Wubian, puzzled, asked, "Qixingcao? Isn't Qixingcao Guild known for being incompetent in dungeons?"

Liu Chuan chuckled, "Yes, it's Xiao's dark history, everyone knows."

Li Xiang, curious, asked, "Xiao's dark history? How come I haven't heard of it?"

Liu Chuan cheerfully said, "Then let me reveal his dark history for your entertainment."

Talking about someone's dark history, Liu Chuan's typing speed was naturally very fast. He quickly typed a string of words: "A few years ago, before the professional league, Xiao Sijing was the leader of the Seven Star Grass Guild in District One's Yijiangnan. At that time, with the official update of the expansion pack, the first 30-player team dungeon, Peach Blossom Island, appeared. All major guilds were rushing to explore it, so Xiao Sijing also took 30 people to explore. Once inside, Xiao Sijing looked at the super-large dungeon map and got dizzy. He then asked, 'How many bosses are there in this dungeon?' Su Shilun said, 'Three.' Xiao Sijing said, 'Let's split into three groups. Group one, go for boss one. Group two, go for boss two. Group three, go for boss three. After defeating them, gather in the middle.'"

Li Xiang: ".........."

Li Xiang laughed so hard at his computer that he banged on the table, and Wu Zewen glanced at him calmly.

Li Xiang asked, "What happened next? How did it turn out?"

Liu Chuan sent a row of tearful emojis: "Do I need to say the result? Using the method of capturing flags in the arena, he divided into three groups to attack three bosses simultaneously. The whole group was wiped out, all three groups were wiped, and after gathering, he rearranged the team and continued wiping. They wiped the entire night on Peach Blossom Island..."

Li Xiang continued laughing: "Haha! Xiao's really a dungeon idiot. Who plays team dungeons like that!"

Liu Chuan also chuckled, "Exactly, he always played in the arena, had no idea about dungeon bosses, didn't understand hate mechanics, and had no clue about off-tanking. He thought three bosses could be split into three groups to be defeated simultaneously. The 30 elites he brought from the guild wiped all night on Peach Blossom Island. The people from Seven Star Grass had a psychological shadow about doing dungeons. Xiao Sijing only later found out that this team dungeon's bosses had to be tackled with 30 people together, one by one, in order. You couldn't split them like in the arena. Then he said, 'What's the point of doing dungeons! So troublesome!'"

Li Xiang: "......"

Li Xiang was almost laughing to death.

Indeed, there's a huge gap between PvP and PvE. Many PvP players have no concept of doing dungeons, don't understand what threat is, and are even more clueless about managing hate.

Unexpectedly, the current captain of the Seven Star Grass team, Xiao Sijing, had such a comical incident in his youth.

Li Xiang continued to ask, "What happened later? Did they eventually clear Peach Blossom Island? Did Seven Star Grass stop doing dungeons after that?"

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