The Howling Birthday

Start from the beginning

I despised the fact that I couldn't stop my eyes from scanning the crowd for those two.

"Don't be like that." Beau nudged me. "It's your big day. Finishing college early, just 5 more days until May 20th and you'll be off at some high school teaching Greek mythology to brats."

"That hurts, stop it!"

I quickly snapped my head to the side, zeroing in on Leila's cry.

Some perverted geezer was grabbing Leila's wrist tightly, jerking her hard enough for her entire body to be jolted. Without thinking I rushed forward, slamming my elbow in the bend between his forearm and arm.

His hand dropped to his side like jelly. Beau quickly grabbed Leila back. Thankfully we hadn't caught anyone's attention, but with the way that the man was speaking, I wouldn't be surprised if we did. 

"Come on sweetie." he stumbled towards Leila and I scowled, stepping in front of her.

"This is why I tell Molly not to invite half the town for my birthday- don't fucking touch her!" I slapped his hand away when he tried to reach for Leila.

The man glared at me, "Mind your own-"

"Business? Considering that this is my birthday party and you're trying to molest one of my guests then it's damn well my fucking business figlio di puttana." 

The man grumbled under his breath before walking away. I calmed myself down before checking on Leila. Her pale wrist had a forming bruise, but other than that she was fine.

"Are you okay? Did he do anything to you?" I did my normal routine of checking her up before giving her a reassuring pat on the head.

Leia scowled. "I knew I should've nailed him in the ba-"

"Excuse me?" The loud voice coming from the surround sound speakers had everyone turn their eyes to the stage where the projector stood proudly next to the DJ station.

Molly cleared her throat. "Well, thank you to everyone who could make it. The cake will be wheeled out soon, so please find a plate and fork and get ready!!!"

What? Did she just say the cake was going to be wheeled out?

I was about to faint when I saw the huge five tier red velvet and buttercream frosting cake (the same flavor she always got for me) rolled in.
"Oh my God." I breathed.

"Wow. I was expecting it to be much bigger." Beau commented sarcastically.

"Who's going to eat all of this?!" I hissed, waving my hands towards the mammoth cake.

Leila was already digging in, along with the rest of my unknown guests.

Beau offered his arm to me as the music came back on. "Would you care for a dance?"

I almost snorted. Almost. "I'm good. I think I should give Molly a piece of my mind first,"

Beau grabbed my arm as I turned around. His words were drowned out when I saw them beside the stage, nearly masked by the curtains.

Without thinking, I drew away from Beau and headed straight through the dance floor, climbing onto the stage from the stairs on the side. Two hands reached out from behind the curtains and pulled me back.

Molly made the most of the venue, decorating even behind the curtains where she probably had something, games perhaps, planned.

But what took my breath away wasn't the decorations: it was the suits.

They stood before me, Jazz in a white suit, Draver in black. They looked so much like an angel and a devil, both of them giving me an unfiltered gaze that spoke legions of their emotions.

"Hi." I managed to squeak.

"Hello, love." Draver replied, glancing ever so often through the sliver of the curtains at the party.

"What are you guys doing here?" I raised my palm before they could retort sarcastically that they told me they were coming. "It's just that...I never expected you to come here in person. Usually you just drop gifts by, or at least that's how it was until I was seven."

"Well we managed to come." Jazz murmured. "And we brought gifts. Several."

"To make up for the 14 years we missed out on you." Draver filled in.

I paused, stepping back out of their grasp. "Wait, so you got me 14 gifts? Like one for each year? That's not necessary, really."

"I think it is."

I spun around at the melodic voice, much like a soft stream on smooth pebbles.

The soothing tone belonged to an ethereal woman, her hair black with white streaks twisted into a side braid that draped over her left shoulder. Her eyes were silver like Jazz and Draver's, but not just the iris, the entire eye was silver: whites and all. Her skin had a healthy and vibrant glow- no; she was glowing.

She walked- glided- closer to me.

"Faye McAlistair. You never fail to astonish me."

I furrowed my brow. "Excuse me? Do I know you?"

She laughed, the sound like wind chimes. "I'm your Creator. And their's too,"

I blinked. "Holy crap. God is a female?"

Draver chuckled darkly. "Not exactly. She isn't as...forgiving as mankind's God."

"Then you are...?"

She lifted my hand, flipping it over so my palm was facing skyward. She then tapped my name tag on my inner wrist.

My thoughts were a jumbled mess.

"Oh God. Goddess. You're her? What? No, no. Prank. I swear if Ashton Kutcher pops his stupid face out from curtains-"

My voice was suddenly cut off and it took me a moment to realize that I was saying words but no sound left my mouth. I clutched my throat, glancing at the twins. They looked mildly concerned, glaring at her.

She smiled, her white teeth blinding me. I noticed the sharpened point of her canines. With a wave of her hand, suddenly my voice returned.

"Mio Dio, è questo per reale?" I gasped. "Then you really are her? You're-"

She pressed a finger to my lips. "Names carry power, child. Don't use mine unnecessarily. To my Lycans and werewolves, I am the Moon Goddess."


Chapter 5 is up on Radish!

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