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"Your heart hits like a drum. The hunt has just begun."

"I'll miss you, Ellen," Lexa said to the older woman in front of her, she sighed as the weight of her two bags pressed into her shoulders.

"I'll miss you too," Ellen smiled softly.

"Alright, come on. One last hug," Lexa caved, trying to push the bags out of her way as she hugged Ellen.

"Be safe, okay?" Ellen spoke with a soft, motherly gaze.

"I will. I got my weapons and everything in my bag, I'll be fine." She promised, smiling softly.

"I know, I'm just worried. What something attacks you on the way? What if something doesn't work out and you have to search for hours for a place to stay? What if you end up like last time?" Ellen panicked, staring at Lexa with wide eyes. She winced at the unpleasant memory of 'last time'. You don't even know the half of it, Ellen.

"It's gonna be fine! I'll be back in a few months anyway!" She assured, putting her hands on Ellen's shoulders. "I can protect myself, remember? I was taught all I needed to know, besides, Brooklyn's been my dream for years. It's time for me to live life the way I want to."

Ellen forced her worry down and hugged the young girl one last time, giving her a tight squeeze.

The two turned around to see the bus arrive.

"That's my cue. Talk soon, Ellen, I love you!" Lexa waved at Ellen as she got on the bus. Ellen waved right back at her with a heavy heart.

As the last passengers boarded the bus, the older woman hoped her friends daughter would have a peaceful time.

Said girl spent the first two hours of the bus ride listening to music. The remaining two she spent reading and thinking about her past. She definitely needed this break, but taking one didn't feel normal for her, being raised the way she was, life was barely about living, it was about survival, saving lives. She was not the one to go out of her way to save strangers, but the danger seemed to follow her and if someone innocent was involved, she had to help. At times, it felt like a chore.

When the bus finally came to a stop, Lexa was the first to stand up, grab her bags and rush out.

The evening breeze was refreshing and she smiled instantly at the sight of Jocelyn Fray waiting for her.

"Lexa! You've grown so much," Jocelyn grinned as she took one bag from Lexa, motioning the girl to follow.

"It has been a couple years, Jocelyn," Lexa smiled politely, "I wasn't even sure you and Ellen still talked."

They placed Lexa's belongings in the trunk of Jocelyn's car.

"That's what life does, keeps you busy," Jocelyn smiled wistfully as they sat in the car, "but me and Ellen have kept contact, family has to check up on each other, especially one like ours."

"You're right," the air felt heavy as the two acknowledged their difference from other people, their supernatural difference. Lexa's mother didn't hide her from the dangers of the world, instead teaching her how to live in it, how to seek out the beasts. Lexa wasn't sure about the relationship her mother and Jocelyn had, but since Ellen trusted the woman, Lexa called her for help settling down in the big city.

"Put your seatbelt on," Jocelyn spoke suddenly, forcing a smile on her face as she tried to lighten the mood, "luckily, you shouldn't be too far from us."

"Us?" Lexa questioned, curious.

"Me and Clary, remember her?"

Lexa squinted her eyes, recalling a distant memory of a slightly annoying redhead she didn't quite get along with.

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