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CHAPTER TWO: the mall rats

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CHAPTER TWO: the mall rats


Me and Andre had made our way to star court a bit late but we met Dustin exactly where he wanted us to meet him— after hearing what came off that radio? It definitely sounded Russian.

Andre searched for Dustin and he grabs my wrist to guide me to over where he was seated with steve, I sat down next to Andre while making sure there wasn't anyone surrounding us to overhear our conversation.

"Thank god you two made it." Dustin says while sighing in relief. "Was starting to think you two weren't gonna come."

"We're here now. Just a bit late, [y/n] spent the night at my house for a sleepover." Andre explains, "so yeah– we overslept."

I shook my head and interrupted, "okay, okay– right now that's irrelevant. We need to talk about what we intercepted." I reply.

Steve brows furrowed in confusion. "Inter- what? what're they talking about?" He asks as he turns to Dustin.

Dustin clicks his tongue before he inhaled sharply. "Uh...we intercepted a secret Russian communication." He whispers lowly.

"Just speak louder." Steve replied.

Andre slams his fist onto the table, "We intercepted a secret Russian communication!" He shouts.

Everyone in the mall had glanced over at where we were seated, looking confused and half of them looked annoyed.

Steve lowered his head a bit and placed a finger to his lips, gesturing for Andre to be a bit more quieter. "Jeez, shh. Yeah, okay, that's what I thought he had said." He says, referring to Dustin.

It goes silent for a moment as we all ponder our thoughts, I bite at my nails for awhile before tapping my chin.

"What— what does that mean?" Steve asks with confusion. He never understands does he? Luckily I was here to explain.

"It means, Steve, we could be heroes!" I answered with a grin. "True American heroes."

Steve nods and hums. "huh."

"Mmhm." Dustin nods in agreement, Steve didn't seem amused at all— his tone was one of sarcasm.

"American heroes." Steve repeats while continuing to nod. I roll my eyes, knowing he was mocking me.

❪ 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖𝐍 ❫Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon