Lord Eclipse

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Requested from quotev!.

You were in the kitchen preparing some food for the Lord, when all of a sudden a couple other servants rushed through the kitchen doors.
One held a look of fright while the other had a love struck gaze.
You walked over to the one who looked terrified to comfort them, putting a hand on their shoulder, you gave a soft smile.
"Hey, are you okay?."
They looked up at you and nodded but spoke in a whisper.
"He's so....Frightening.."
One said, The other servant let out a loving sigh.
"He's so dreamy.." They said.

You looked up and glared at them.
"What is wrong with you?."
You snapped.
The love struck one gave you a menacing & defensive look.
"What's wrong with me?. Bad boys are hot (Y/n.)."
You sighed a frustrated sigh.
"Yeah but one slip up and we're toast. Have you forgotten about that one tiny detail?. This isn't some fairytale where the bad guy miraculously falls in love with little goody two shoes and they run off into the sunset and he changes his ways because of a cute/pretty face!."
The love stuck servants look turned into worry.
"Oof...Looks like somebodys gotten burned one too many times..."


Eclipse was fiddling wirh the Star again, he rolled his eyes in annoyance at the constant bickering between the servants as of lately.
He wondered what had gotten into them?....
Twirling the Star around a couple more times.
He made his way towards the servants.
Eclipse was so full of himself, that he'd always just assumed that the entire staff was frightened or intimidated by him...but was he fixing to be in for a rude awakening...

Putting a hand up to the door, Eclipse readied to knock- (He may be the Lord but he still managed to keep a few manners...somehow...)
He stopped once he heard the words.
Eclipses curiosity got the best of him.
His eyes widened at the sound of a few small lectures being given!.
"Bad boys are hot. (Y/n.)."
Your name ran through his head.
(Y/n.), (Y/n.), (Y/n.), (Y/n.)
Eclipse stepped away from the door, hastily making his way towards the library so he could hide amongst the endless maze of books and take some time to process what had just happened...
"Hm...(Y/n.)...My, My...quite the interesting person aren't you?."

Ever since that day, Eclipse had made it his mission to try and find out what about him you didn't seem to particularly like....
It wasn't like he had any flaws....He was smart...He wasn't a weak animatronic...He was attractive.
But what Eclipse wasn't realizing was the reason it bugged him so much was because Eclipse was getting his first ever crush/love and he'd never experienced these feelings before.
After a while of not being able to figure this little problem out- he began to turn to denial- and every time you'd turn around it seemed like he (Quite Obviously.) was doing anything and everything to catch your attention, and most of the time- it came off as flirtatious.
You hadn't admitted this to any of the other servants who'd lived with you in the Lords Castle but...You were starting to grow some feelings for Eclipse...
It seemed like he liked you as well but...you were nervous that it could just be his ego not being able to accept why you "Didn't." Like him....
And if that was the case well....You weren't ready to face that heartbreak yet....

You sighed a sad sigh and walked around the corner, slightly jumping from being startled.
There Eclipse was...leaned up against a statue/pillar.
He held a charming smile but his eyes held a swirl of panic in them.
"My Lord?. Are you okay?."
Eclipses mouth opened as if he had something to say but...he just stared at you....
This was very odd behavior on Eclipses behalf...
You held a hand up to check to see if he has been over heating any-
Eclipses body stiffened at first, not being used to having someone get this close to him without a fight occurring...or they'd shake in fear or...
Your voice took Eclipse out of his thoughts.
"Eclipse are you okay?."
Eclipses eyes locked onto yours.
A blush tainted his cheeks.
"I...I think I'm in love with you."
He said.
Your eyes widened, now it was your turn for your face to heat up.
You couldn't believe what you were hearing.
Eclipse? The Eclipse? Held genuine feelings for you too??.

You opened your mouth to say something but Eclipse spoke first.
"If you don't like me than...I'd understand and...we don't have to get into a relationship as of right now...I think that we should get to know each other more...on a...personal level more than Lord and Servant level..."
Eclipse gave a light smile and chuckled.
"I just wanted you to know what my feelings are on the matter (Y/n.). The truth is...I've been getting nervous around you lately and worrying about what you think of me or if I make a mistake does it make me look stupid?."
Eclipse chuckled once more.
"I can't believe I'm saying all of this, I never thought someone could do this to me but...I really like it...and I really like you..."
You couldn't contain your excitement anymore!.
You wrapped your arms around Eclipse and gave him a big hug.
"I too share similar feelings towards you Eclipse!. I would be thrilled in getting to know you more In order to blossom into something more!.."
You pulled away from the hug.
Eclipses face now held a deep orange-ish red color, tainting his cheeks.
He smiled.
"That's amazing!."

You both turned your heads to a sound of giggles echoing through the hall/room.
You looked to eclipse and the two of you just smiled to each other.
"How long do you think that they've been betting on us becoming a couple?."
Eclipse chuckled.
"Probably a while..."

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